Bonnie and Clyde

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Chapter Twelve: Bonnie and Clyde

I sat in the back of the SUV blindfolded for about twenty minutes in pure utter silence. Amanda held my hand during the whole ride, I guess it was to help me feel relax but something told me it was more for her than it was for me. Uncle Alex taught me how to always know where I am even being blindfolded. I knew exactly where we was but I would keep that to myself if needs be, that'll be my little secret. 

The SUV finally comes to a stop and I am ushered inside what appears to be a warehouse. I could tell by the smell, the feel of the hard unforgiving cement floor, the dry warmth and musty feeling in the air, that they had led me to a warehouse, the secret operations of the Brother's Thirteen. Not much is known about these guys except that they have been related to multiple terrorist attacks across Teraville. The attacks seem random so it's hard to pinpoint them and determine motive, the FBI as of yet has made no progress on catching them, however, that was before my uncle returned to Royal City. Teraville, Royal City and Hellsing City are the three cities that make up 'The Devil's Playground' due to the high corruption and crime rate they all process. The crime fighting vigilante, The Phantom, protects and patrols Devil's Playground and single-handily brought a sense of justice and protection to the area, but nevertheless, thanks to the Brother's Thirteen being able to evade the cops and Phantom, Teraville, nicknamed Terror-ville, has been turned upside down and is in a full alarm blaze. 

"Take it off of him." Tristen commands and as commanded the blindfold is removed by a larger boy. 

I look around the room and my suspicion was right, we were in a warehouse, most likely an old run down abandoned warehouse. The warehouse is very large with crates and machinery scattered about as cob and dust webs hang from the ceilings, railings and anything metal and wood. On my left stood the boy who took the blindfold off, he drove the SUV earlier, a quiet guy I believed his name was Solomon. He stood at six feet even and look as if he weight trained, he was ripped and built like a college linebacker. He too wore a mask similar to Tristen. Tristen stood before me with Amanda by his side. Another boy joins Tristen, wearing a white mask with a pointy noise and was tall and skinny. He wore a black hood like everyone else with the 'B-13' written on the front. He gave me the creeps actually.

"Tristen, you aren't thinking about expanding the Brother's Thirteen aren't you?" the pointy nosed boy says as he walks up.

Tristen barely looks at him when he responds, "And if I am? We have a hole to fill."

A hole to fill? He doesn't plan on making me a member is he?

"What do you mean? W-what's going on?" I stuttered.

Tristen steps closer so he is just a few inches from my face, his eyes looking directly into mines. It shot a cold chill down my spine, made me slightly uncomfortable, only if I knew what was going through his mind. He was unreadable, no emotions whatsoever and if I was naive I would had said he was not human but a kind of cyborg or robot, who is this guy?

"Do you want to be apart of the Brother's Thirteen, Matthew? Ronnie doesn't like that idea but he doesn't know what I know." Tristen says almost as if he was trying to seduce me. He looks behind him, towards Ronnie who only smirks with his hands across his chest as if rejecting Tristen's words. Tristen's eyes returns onto mines, I swallow hard. "You brutally murdered your parents in their own home, that's a cold blooded son a bitch right there."

"They was going to take Amanda away from me." I muttered. 

Tristen chuckles, "How cute. Amazing how love will make us do things we never once could fathom of doing. Love is a drug, addictive, numbing, psychotic even." The more he talks the more I felt cold bumps rising on my skin, making me uncomfortable, making me second guess everything. I can not read this guy, but why?

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