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July 2016

"Keep your arms up, Bambi."

I could tell she was tired and she confirmed it by whispering an I'm tired in response

"You think they would care?" I reply, "Arms up. If you're not going to swing you at least need to know how to protect."

Ines broke her arm when I was once again in solitary, she can't use it for anything else now but to defend herself.

She brought the arms up with her blue cast coming up to her face, "This," I tapped the cast, "Is an easy target, they're going to try and hit it as many times as possible."

I flicked the flimsy cast and she howled in pain, "Well what am I supposed to do?"

"We'll pad it up ourselves in a linen cast, that way it's protected and will act as a shield."

"The guards won't mind?"

"As long as you say it was doctor ordered, they can't do anything about it but until Monday when we get new linen, you're going to have to stay behind me."

"You can't keep fighting my battles, Regina. One day they'll kill you," she says and I don't doubt at all that that's always been their intention

"This was never about you, Bambi. They hate me because I killed Flynn you're just someone they use to hurt me. I can't let you continue getting hurt because of me. I won't allow it."


September 2018

Ethan had shades on his face during Winter.

Mostly so our parents don't know the amount of drinking he did yesterday but also to 'look cool' so he says.

"You look stupid." His girlfriend, who I just remembered was called Madison, comments.

"Why thank you," He replies sarcastically, I can tell he's getting tired of her and Quinton's advice to get rid of her is probably making sense in his head now. He takes them off

"Now you look awful, what happened last night?"

Ethan sighed and put the glasses back on, "We all went drinking last night but you already know that your real question was why didn't I invite you."

Madison opened her mouth and started going off talking about him not inviting her but I blanked out wondering why so many people were staring at me.

"Did Kaylani post something else about me?" I ask Ethan and he looks up from his girlfriend before shaking his head and asking why, "Why is everyone staring?"

"Oh, the hierarchy has been updated," Ethan replies before looking down at his girlfriend, "Can we continue this later? I have to get to class."

"Whatever." She huffs then walks away in the other direction as Ethan and I watch her walk away.

"So when are you done with her?" I ask knowing what he's thinking.

He sighs, "Today. I'm starting to think she's only with me to become queen next year."

"Very true," I comment knowing how serious they take this crap, "Has she given you any indication that she's not genuine?"

"Except catching an attitude when I don't invite her to the Elite parties and making a fuss over how I spend more time with you rather than with her." He recalls, "She really only wants to be around me when everyone else is around like she's showing off that she's my girlfriend but we never spend time alone, just us."

come to think of it, I've never seen her in our house. I know I didn't bring Flynn home because he was an older drug dealer who my parents hated but Madison would have no problem coming home if she wanted to.

"So you're breaking up with her," I conclude and Ethan nods

"Fucking finally," a voice interjected and I look to see both Quinton and Jude, "I told you, life is always better single."

"This is not the guy to get advice from but he's got a point on this one," I say to Ethan and he shrugs his shoulders

"Anyway, have you heard the good news?" Jude questions and I look at him confused, "The hierarchy was updated."

"So?" I ask

"So she asks," Quinton laughs, "So?"

"Have you checked it?" Jude asks and I shake my head, "You might want to check it, princess."

"I doubt it'll enrich my life in anyway," I reply, "How are you so chirpy this morning, I literally saw you all get trashed last night."

Jude shrugged, "I can handle my alcohol and Quinton here threw up all over Vivian's bushes so I'm sure it's out of his system now."

"Man! That would explain why she was so mad at me this morning." Quinton muttered, "Come to think of it, She didn't even give me a kiss goodbye."

I raise my eyebrow, "Does she usually kiss you goodbye?"

"Only when I'm a good boy." He winks

So clearly, Vivian and Quinton had something going on that is either a really open relationship or is just a casual fling.

"Did you not drink?" Jude asks

"I don't drink anymore." I respond, "Seems useless to me."

Jude hums slightly, "Just like Caleb. You know you two have a lot in common."

"Do we, like what?" I question with a little laugh

"Well, you both don't drink. You both know someone in-"

"Jude, don't start." Quinton intersects, "Stay out of it."

I looked up to Ethan who just shrugged his shoulders before catching up with his friends. I look back at Quinton, "Stay out of what?"

"Whatever is going on with you and Caleb." Was his response

"There's nothing to stay out of then, cause nothing's happening," I say and Jude smiles in a devilish sort of way

"Tell that to the hierarchy."

"Caleb doesn't decide the hierarchy. You know that." Quinton says and I realise this is the most serious I've ever seen him.

"His actions do and his actions were pretty clear last night." Jude quips

Confused and fed up, I stop them from walking to whatever class they were heading to, "What are you two on about now?"

"You're in the hierarchy." A screechy voice explained and I turned to look at Kayla who looked fuming. "And above me."

I pause for a second, was that supposed to mean something? It's just a stupid list and I literally did nothing to get on it.

"Well, whoever makes it must have good taste," I reply just to get a rise out of her and I can tell it works with the way her eyes blaze with anger

"Listen Jailbait," She got really close like she was going to say something profound, "I'm going to find out what you did to get into jail and when everyone knows why I'll be able to show how beneath me I've always known you are." 

"I'm not afraid of my past, little girl." I respond with a smile, "Besides when you find out why I was in jail, you wouldn't want to mess with me."

With that, I barged past her and walked to my next class.

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