August 2016
"So it's going to end?" Bambi asks as I braid her hair and I shrug my shoulders
"I hope so. Reinfield says he's going to talk to the superior officer in a month but then after that is a trial. That's when it's going to be bad."
"What worse than this?" Bambi questions, "Nothing is worse than this."
"They could hurt us really bad when we testify." I inform her and she shrugs her shoulders
"As long as I have you, I can get through anything."
I smile at her and resist a tear coming down my eyes, "Same here Bambi. Same here."
October 2018
I couldn't help but smile as Bambi tells me how she beat this girls ass that had tried her. I really created a weapon and I couldn't be more proud.
"You know these new guards don't play, they actually write us up for this." Bambi says, "At least my sentence isn't increasing, just a couple more years."
I can't wait for Bambi to get out of prison, she shouldn't have been there in the first place. Everything she did she did for her family and they let her take the fall now they're apparently out here living their best lives in the house that she got with the extortion.
"Can I come visit you?" I ask her and I could practically hear her smile as she said yes, "It would have to be during the winter break if that's okay."
I put the phone on loud speaker so I could examen the Halloween costume Vivian says would look perfect on me.
We are currently in her room getting dressed for the party she and Quinton had organised which is taking place at her house.
"That's more than okay. I haven't had anyone come see me for so long, Regina, you know how lonely it gets in here." She mutters, "I almost wish someone would bother me just to have some excitement in my life."
"If you would just tell me how to get into contact with your family, I could-"
"I don't want to talk to them." She interrupts, "Josiah stopped writing and that's how I knew he doesn't love me the same way Ethan loves you."
"Josiah?" Vivian mutters popping her head out of her wardrobe
I shushed her, I don't want Bambi to know I'm with other people who's listening to our conversation.
"You never know, there could be a reason for him to stop writing back. Ethan told me before the phone call to my parents he had decided to stop writing. You just need to give him motivation to write."
She didn't seem convinced since she just let out a huff making me sigh in result. I can't be mad at her, I didn't want to contact my family so I understand where she's coming from.
"Just think about it." I add, "I love you, Bambi."
"I love you to-" the phone cut. We've been good at guessing when the phone is going to stop on us allowing us to be able to get all the important stuff out of the way.
I sigh and turn off my phone before stripping off my clothes.
"How do you know her again?" Vivian asks coming out in her cowgirl costume. Her body is ridiculous, she really could be a model. I see why Quinton is obsessed with her.
"She was my prison mate." I remind her, pulling the black catsuit up my body "Had to look after her since she was younger than me."
"Younger than you? In jail? She must have done something really bad." She comments making my shrug my shoulders
"I say she should have less time and gone to juvie but the judge thought differently. Could you zip me up?" Vivian moves to go zip me up before she sees the scar on my back and let's out a little gasp.
"Shit. Did that hurt?" I shake my head in response, "Was it from Prison?" I hummed a response and I'm glad she didn't ask anymore questions, she simply nodded her head as the zip reached the top and we both looked in the mirror to analyse the look.
"Told you it would look good." She grinned.
She's not wrong, I do look good. My phone rings again and I pick it up
"Ms WestWood?" I recognise the voice as my PI.
Though I know releasing Kayla's embarrassing trench coat drop was enough, I also know she's an idiot who would stop at nothing to try to get to me. So I let the Private investigator keep digging into her life.
Also I did promise to ruin her mentally and I'm a woman of my word. Plus I don't actually want to have to kill her for being stupid.
"I have a development on the McKnight case."
I smile and Vivian looks confused so I put the phone on speaker, "Go ahead."
"Ms McKnight's father had currently filed for bankruptcy. Their house is currently in foreclosure and they're planning to keep it until Ms McKnight goes to college but since your father sent her the cease and desist they have a lot of money to pay off meaning they will have to leave their house sooner than expected."
Vivian put her hands over her mouth in shock and I'm nearly laughing hysterically. This has got to be a joke! She does all this talking like she's some almighty princess and she's broke?
"Thank you Peter." I respond, "I'll pay you a little extra for your good work."
"Thank you Ms WestWood."
I cut the phone and Vivian let's out an ohmygod.
"What are you going to do with that information?" She asks
I pause, I don't want to let that information out without necessary need. There's no point just saying that on a wim when I could be craftier than that. "I don't know yet."
"That will ruin her alright." She comments
Well. I am a woman of my word.
Kayla was here in a new costume. For someone with money issues she's very good at putting up a pretence that she has money.I almost feel sad for her.
"Oh look, you have a fupa." Kayla comments
Well I spoke too soon.
"She really doesn't." One of the juniors say looking at me up and down, "You look really hot, Regina."
Ethan slaps the boy upside his head and I feel an arm around my waist, "Keep your comments to yourself Nathan." Caleb states before pulling me into him more, "You do look really good though." He mutters before kissing my forehead.
I'm so glad I'm darkskin so no one knows when I blush. Caleb went as Tarzan which highlighted his abs since he was shirtless.
I really understand why Kayla is a crazy bitch for him. He doesn't have a bad thing about him. Which makes it hard to deny any attraction I have to him.
"I could say the same for you."
Someone cleared their throat and I turn to look at my brother who jerked his head in the direction of Kayla who looked like she was going to blow a fuse.
I didn't say anything but settle next to his side to show her I'm not going anywhere. I'm pretty sure I saw her eye twitch. She then went over Jude who was talking to Paulette and Eddie and sat on his lap.
Is she trying to make Caleb jealous or something? I looked up to Caleb who didn't even look phased as he poured me a drink.
I thanked him but declined explaining that I don't drink and he smiled, "It's juice."
I then took the drink and thanked him again before taking a small sip.
"You want to go somewhere and talk?"
I couldn't say yes fast enough.

Mistério / SuspenseAfter going to jail for manslaughter, Regina WestWood wants a normal quiet life when she comes out. However, with a school stuck in elitist ways and her brother right in the middle, it's only expected that people have questions for her late arrival.