September 2016
"I heard your little lawyer is sniffing around my business." Inez sneers in front of the my cell. Her little lackies holding bambi back and the guard holding me in place.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I reply vaguely and she laughs in a dark type of way which makes bambi look at me with worried eyes.
"Really, kicker. Is that all you have?" she questions and I stay quiet and a sick grin makes an appearance on her face and she looks at the guard, "Hold her still." then I see something sharp being handed to her.
she digs the makeshift shank into my shoulder blade and drags it down towards my back making me scream in pain, the guard drops my body and I fall onto the floor. Inez kicks me over so my stomach is the floor and she steps on the cut she just made.
she crouches over me, "Just remember who is in charge here."
November 2018
I stay twitchy with my mind on overdrive the whole week. I can't keep this information to myself for too long, it's eating me inside. Bambi doesn't want me to find her family and I never got any vibes from the Mensa's that they particularly want to visit but it's not right for me to know this and not do anything about it.
Every time I see Caleb or kiss him, I'm just thinking of how I know his sister and haven't told him that I know his sister.
"Are you okay?" He asks as he strokes my side. We had all been watching a movie but as I said I find it very hard to stay concentrated on things for a long period of time.
"Yep." I reply trying to make it convincing and he raises his eyebrows at me not convinced
"Really because you've been out of it for a while actually, you're not ever usually this quiet." he comments
"Please we enjoy not hearing her voice." Kayla interjects and I don't even have the brain power to argue with this girl. I'm still trying to figure out a solution to my problem but is it even my problem? "Oh she stayed quiet, Thank God." Kayla continues
"Shut up," Quinton says and pauses the Netflix, "What's up, Gi?"
"You're pausing it for her?" Paulette comments, "But when I want to use the bathroom no one wants to pause anything."
Vivian looks at Paulette for a second and was about to say something but decides against it instead leaning into my, "Honestly, Regina. What is going on?"
This isn't the time to just say Bambi is Caleb's sister randomly. "Seriously, I'm fine I just failed my calc exam a week ago and I realised that I need to be taking it more seriously." I lie and they all look at me for a beat longer before shrugging it off
"Well if you need a tutor I'm quiet good at calc." Quinton offers, "We could do a little something extra for payment."
"Over my dead body." Caleb utters and Quinton puts his hands up in defense but then points at me and motions a phone with his hands before winking making me roll my eyes.
They all started watching the movie again and Caleb nudges me with his elbow making me look up at him questioningly. He takes my hand in his and pulls me up guiding us out of the room
"No sex in my house please!" Vivian calls out after us
We both ignore her and I get pulled into an empty room. Caleb closes the door behind him and leans on it. "We're not leaving until you tell me the truth."
flustered I blink quickly, "What makes you think I'm lying?"
"The fact that I know the only reason Ethan is in AP calc is because you do his homework for him for fun." He starts walking towards me, "That and the fact that you're a bad liar." Taking my hand in his, I look up at him, "What is it?"
Damn. The one person that I needed to believe me doesn't. Taking a deep breath, I look down to my feet. "You know bambi?"
Caleb frowns, "Your friend from prison?" I nod my head, "Did something happen to her? Is she not allowed parole?"
That would be a good lie to add till I get time to figure out what to do. I look back up at him and he looks genuinely concerned. I can't lie to him. It's bad enough that I've been sitting on this for a week already.
"No actually." I start, "There is something you need to know," I motion for him to sit down at the chair and he furrows his eyebrows but does what I say anyway. Once he sits down, I take another breath in. "So you know she was younger than me when she first came to Rainview," he hums in acknowledgement, "Well she got into prison because of extortion, like your sister." I pause for a beat and I dont see the lines cross so I continue, "Her real name is Thalia, like your sister."
Caleb blinks slowly and slumps back into his seat, "Are you saying-"
"I think-no I'm sure bambi is your sister." He doesnt say anything which worries so I crouch down to his eyelevel, "Say something."
"How are you so sure?" he asks looking at me
"I saw a picture of the two of you in your room a week ago-"
"You've known for a week?" He said with a sort of betrayal in his voice which is exactly what I wanted to avoid. I put my hand over his knee and squeeze it lightly.
"Caleb please, you need to understand from my perspective. I didn't know if you wanted to know. Bambi- Thalia says that you guys had to stay away from her for your case and I didn't want to hurt you unnecessarily so I kept it to myself, I'm still yet to call bambi and let her know but -"
"That isn't your choice to make, Regina." He tells me, "You should have told me and let me make my own decision on what to do with that information."
"That's what I'm doing now, Caleb. Don't be angry at me please, I just didn't know if it was right. I was just trying to protect you and It was eating me inside so I-"
"I would say it's fine but I'll be lying." He interrupts standing up from the chair and holding his hand out to help me up, I sigh before taking his hand. "I'm going to take the night to digest what you've just told me, can I take you home now?"
I bite my lip and reluctantly nod my head. He helps me up but lets go of my hand instead of holding it like normal, I wait for him to put his arm around instead but that doesn't come either so I hold onto his forearm making him turn back to me.
We say our goodbyes and walk to the car in silence which we follow by a silent car ride. He stops in front of my drive way but doesn't look at me.
"You're mad at me right?" I ask holding onto the car door
He scratches his head before looking at me, "I'm just confused right now and I dont want to say something I'm going to regret, so I'll just step away for a bit. I'll see you soon though."
"Soon?" I echo, I nod slowly, "I guess I should have expected that." I move to open the car door and he stops me but holding onto my other arm.
He kisses my forehead, "Don't worry, we're going to be alright, I just need a minute."

Mystery / ThrillerAfter going to jail for manslaughter, Regina WestWood wants a normal quiet life when she comes out. However, with a school stuck in elitist ways and her brother right in the middle, it's only expected that people have questions for her late arrival.