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July 2016

"How did you like solitude, Kicker?" Inez asked with her gang of friends, "I felt like I needed to remind you just where you belong here."

She should know that her little taunts mean nothing to me anymore. You get used to it.

She must have gotten cleared of any sexual diseases hence why I was thrown in solitude for no reason.
Solitude itself wasn't as bad as it was in the beginning. You get use to your thoughts slowly driving you crazy.

"How was the abortion?" Bambi pipes up, "I know it's hard getting one every week but maybe you should stop fucking married men."

Damn I taught her well, I can't even get mad at the comment since it's very much sound

She knows, Inez loves dishing out insults but can never take it. She directed one of her girls to punch Bambi in the face which caused me to punch Inez in the face.

Once you get into one fight in prison, you've basically done all there is. It's the same cycle every time.

Fight. Solitary. Fight. Solitary.

I'm just protecting what I've created.
I'll always protect Bambi. No matter what it does to me.


October 2018

Still no luck with Bambi's family.

She decided not to help me with their last name because she thinks I'm using this as a way to escape the fact that I've escaped. The fact that I have a future and shouldn't be using my time finding people that want nothing to do with her anymore.

Yes, I will admit, I've used this an a distraction. Away from the elitist bullshit happening in the high school but I think it's better for me. I haven't had a run in with Kayla because I haven't been sitting at that table.

You get bored of the same looks every time you try and eat. It's like they're counting my calories for me.

"But it's just so boring without you there." Quinton argues. "I haven't said burn in week. They all have the same petty arguments about nothing."

I laugh a little. Just cause I'm not sitting at their table doesn't mean we can't be friends, "I have better things to do."

"Does this have anything to do with the phone call you got weeks ago?" Jude questioned

Something about Jude always makes me skeptical. I have a feeling he's against me in some way but I've never been able to put my finger on it.

"That doesn't even matter. How is hanging out in the library better things to do?" Quinton asks, "And yes, Jude and I followed you, get over it."

"Research." I shrug

Jude narrows his eyes at me whilst Quinton pouts like a child. Then he sees some girl in a low cut top and he falls back and leaves us. Animal.

"You're really going to let Kayla win?" Jude asks and I give him a confused look, "Come on, she's been bragging about how she practically drove you off the table, that Caleb came to his senses, fucked you once and  was done with you."

I sigh deeply, "So what do you want me to do, Jude?"

I open my locker and before Jude could say anything something jumps out of it, completely drenching me in red liquid.

What a great day to wear my white cashmere sweater.

I wipe the liquid off my face and look down at myself. What the actual fuck is this.

"Shit." Jude utters bending down to clean his shoes.

This guy only had it on his shoes. It's all over me.

"Oh, Jailbait." The familiar taunting voice beckons

I turn to see a laughing Kayla and Paulette who's recording this shit take place.

"You think this is funny?" I ask seething as I close my locker

"I mean it's funny cause I thought you'll be used to your hands being that colour." Kayla replied, "After-all, you do have blood on your hands."

She really did it. She went and found out. Even though I've been staying out of her way for weeks now. I haven't even glanced at her, let alone spoke 2 words to her. Yet she's such a little bitch that she has to do this regardless.

"That's right everyone." Kayla continues, "She went to jail for murder."

The halls are so silent you could hear a pin drop.

She knows I can't hit her cause I'm on probation. She knows I can do nothing but fight her with words and cruel actions back but nothing could ever top being a murderer.

I couldn't help but smile slightly at the fact that she thinks she's won something. I've never wanted Caleb or this stupid title as queen, it all fell on my lap but if she thinks doing this is going to make everyone hate me, then she's got another thing coming.

"I must really threaten you," I say as I start to take the jumper off, exposing the too tight camisole that no one was supposed to see.

"I mean, you're a murderer so of course you do."

"You was threatened the moment I came here actually." I remind her as I walk closer towards her, "But here's a proper threat, I'm going to ruin you Kayla McNight."

"You're on probation, murderer, you can't touch me even if you tried ." She taunts in a cocky voice

Great, an even better nickname that jailbait.

"I won't harm you physically but I will mentally until you realise that I'm not someone you mess around with and if that doesn't work then I'll get someone to kill you." She looks at me as if I'm not serious and I smile at her, "Now, this was cashmere. So I'll get my lawyer to send you the bill."

"We have it all on film, dumbass. If I die, they know to get you." Kayla retort

I look down at the phone in Paulette's hands, "I'm not going to kill you myself, Kayla. I'm on probation. But don't worry, I have someone for you." I tell her and look at Paulette, "You too."

They made an enemy out of the wrong girl.

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