The big dragon slowly turned her long neck to look back at her two charges, they were fast asleep, and that was good as they needed the rest for what lay ahead of them. It would be a long four-hour flight if all went well and the weather was good. She climbed slowly higher and higher as she flapped her huge wings up into the clouds where she felt she would be safe with her precious cargo. Shiva had a feeling that this was meant to be and she was picked by the gods to carry this out.....she soared silently up into the cloud cover and moved forward swiftly keeping a watchful eye for anything unusual.....Shiva was always in command and control, however, this was very different. There was a feeling that she had been here before.
Laurine stirred quietly as Shiva cleared the clouds. "Sleep well, Laurine?" Shiva asked. Laurine grumbled as she moved, her body was stiff. "Where are we, Shiva?" We are approaching Nazca, home of the King of the Old Ones. We must pass by here then turn east and head for Mountain of the Sleeping Gods and then head north to our destination. "May I ask what our destination is, please?" Laurine enquired. "In due time my Lady, in due time" replied Shiva. Shiva felt very comfortable calling Laurine, My Lady, it seemed natural and easy as if she knew Laurine........A Warmth. The memories of the past would become vivid soon enough.
Matt and Henry were up to their eyeballs in unexpected problems, they had no idea what they were in for when they decided to trek through the Dark Forest looking for clues. They have a long way to go and many strange meetings before they reach the other side of the forest. One hour into their trek they encountered a very strange little creature. Human in appearance, slimy, smell beyond reproach, grey skin, huge eyes big teeth and pointy ears. This creature spoke English with a hiss in his voice and seemed to have a tough time breathing. He had long pointy fingers and long thin arms and was only about 3 feet tall. He followed Matt and Henry until Matt picked up on the creature's brain waves. Matt told Henry and then said they should move cautiously and not acknowledge the creature. Let him stumble and show himself and then grab him and tie him up. There were many strange animals and plants never before seen or heard. What was really odd, every step Matt and Henry made forward the forest floor seemed to part and welcome them to move in a specific direction. The little grey creature was careful to keep his distance and yet the boys had enough time to set a trap and catch him, to his surprise. There came a loud screech from behind the boys and they turned around in time to see the little creature hanging by one-foot upside down. He was clawing at the bindings around his foot and yelling in some strange language. The boys came close and stared at this strange and ugly creature. Henry picked up a club like a stump and went at the creature. The little creature screamed, no, no, no not hurt the great Gronin he will have your heart if you do. Henry stopped short and told the little creature, "You are in no position to be threatening us, so bind your lips before I do." Matt came up and whispered to Henry that he could read the brain of the little creature like an open book. This was going to be easy and Matt said he may even be able to influence the creature's brain; he was so easy to read. Before cutting the little creature down they bound his hands and feet and then cut him down. Ooouuuch, the little thing screeched as he fell to the ground; "You could have helped me gently to the ground he hissed at the boys. Gronin to remember this, terrible pain and attitude bad from you," "Ungrateful you are, for I have come to help you in your time of need". Henry looked at the little thing and then jabbed back; "What do you mean help us, you were following us, behind us and you were hiding. That is hardly helping". Matt quickly questioned; "And, what do you mean in our time of need?" "Gronin will tell, but first must be free from these ties." "No way, said Matt and Henry in unison." "And, if you do not start talking soon, maybe we will just leave you here for the animals of this forest to eat you." "No, no, you mustn't leave Gronin, mustn't, mustn't, not good for Gronin." "Then start talking now or we leave you here." Said Matt, Gronin hissed, groaned and mumbled some unintelligible sounds and then said, "OK, Gronin tell you but, you will not like what Gronin say." The little creature began speaking slowly almost under his breath, not knowing that Matt could read his every thought. Gronin started, "You have entered the Dark Forest of No return. People who enter are never seen or heard from again." "Gronin know this is your fate sure if Gronin does not help you." "Gronin know many secret paths and trails to another side. Some short and dangerous and others lead in circles and a few will take you out." "There is much danger in this forest must be aware always. If you watch path is always open before you that is the way of the forest to trick you." "Trees move, they watch you and send signals to other trees and plants." "If you make it past the center then you have chance to reach other side and if we come out on another side we will be in Nazca, home of the King of the Old Ones and we must stop there sure." "If we do not stop and pay homage to the King of the Old Ones he will summon the demons from the deep and they will hunt us until they kill us. It is an evil death that you do not long for." Matt, in reading Gronin's mind noticed trepidation when Gronin spoke of the center of the forest, however, he noticed real FEAR when Gronin spoke about the King of the Old Ones and the Demons, almost as if he had crossed the King before. Matt told Henry that they should be on guard always through this ordeal and then watch carefully the reactions of Gronin as they moved forward through the forest as Gronin displays fear easily. Matt stated that they should put Gronin in front of them as he would be a clear indicator of danger and would try to avoid it at all costs. Henry untied the creature's feet and then put the binding around his waist so that they could more easily control Gronin. The three started the trek towards the center following Gronin's instructions, he was all they had, however, he also did not know of Matt's powers. Gronin would keep them well aware even though he said nothing.
Beyond Dragons Crown
FantasyPROLOGUE: DRAGON'S CROWN, A sleepy small town living in some dusty and obscure corner of every body's mind, Nobody has any idea where it came from or when it just appeared one day and nobody questioned it. Is it real, do the inhabitants really exist...