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Jongho's Pov

I woke up with the rays of the sun hitting my face, I tried to got up from the couch but I was taken back with a strong headache. I looked around to see if anyone was with me. I got up and went up to get a glass of water. "You are finally up!" Said Yunho yelling at him almost in his ear. "Hey!! My head hurts be quiet!" I said placing the glass of water on the table. "How will your head not hurt if yesterday you finished the remaining beers, huh!?" Yunho said. "Here take this pills and take a shower, you will feel better." He said giving me the pills.

I finished taking a shower, I went to the living room. Yunho and Wooyoung were waiting for me there. "We already had breakfast. I saved some for you, it's in the table" Said Wooyoung. "Thanks" I said walking towards the kitchen and have breakfast. "Mingi messaged me, he told me that he is been talking to the other boys and we planned to go to the amusement park, do you want to come with us ?" Yunho asked turning off the tv. "I will think about it" I said taking food into my mouth.

*Ding Dong*

"It must be San, he told me he was coming" Said Wooyoung getting up from the couch to open the door. "Hello babe" said San smiling widely to his boyfriend. "Hi love" Said Wooyoung leaning towards his boyfriend placing a kiss on his lips. "Hello guys, how has your day been?" Asked San waking behind his boyfriend.
"It's been good for me, but I don't know about Jongho" Said Yunho making a funny face looking at me. "Why what happened?" San asked me. "I finished the remaining beer yesterday and now I have headaches" I said finishing eating and washing the plate. "Okay, did Yunho tell you about the plan for today?" San asked me. "Yes. But I don't know if I should go though.. it's just that you guys are going on couples and I would be alone" I said putting on my jacket. "If you want tor come then do it, we will be with you" Said yunho.
Yunho's Pov

We were at the amusement park, Jongho didn't came with us, he went out alone somewhere. So because we stayed in couples Mingi and I decided to go on a ride for couples. It was like a tunnel were there was like a small ship for only two people, the ship would give us a tour through almost the whole amusement park. Do you like  it baby?" Mingi asked. "Yes. It's so romantic" I said hugging Mingi. "I have something for you but I will give it to you went we finish this ride" said Mingi holding my hand.

We went out of the ride and Mingi helped me to get out of the ship. "Thanks love" I said to him. "Yunho.." Mingi said causing me to look at him. "What's wrong?" I asked a little bit worried. "Baby it's just that I love you so much, I want to be with you every second." Said Mingi holding my hand taking small heart shaped box of his jeans. "Do you want to come and live with me." He asked putting the couple ring on my ringer. "Yess!" I said jumping on him and wrapping my legs around his waist. I felt so happy, I had never had a couple ring with anyone."But wait, Seonghwa and HongJoong are already there, would they be okay?" I asked him. "They already found a house, actually after we go back home they are going to the new house again to sign some papers and the house will be for them, they are changing in three days." Mingi said smiling my hand.

"I want cotton candy please!!" I pouted looking at Mingi. I didn't get and answer from Mingi and I looked down to the floor still pouting. Mingi grabbed and chin and raised it up making me look at him, when I looked at him he was smiling holding the cotton candy with his other hand. "Thank y- I didn't finish my sentence, Mingi pressed our lips together in a sweet kiss. I placed my hands around his neck and he holded my waist. Our lips moved perfectly together, it was a beautiful moment. Some people around started clapping for us, I felt so happy and smiled between the kiss. Mingi broke the kiss and looked at me. "I love you Yunho, you are my everything.." Mingi said and I only smiled feeling shy. "You are so beautiful." Mingi said still holding my waist while I placed my hands on his neck.

A small little girl came closer to us and get let go of each other. I bent down to look at the little girl. "I had never seen two boys kissing, but I think it beautiful" the little girl said holding a flower in his hands, she was so innocent. I looked at Mingi and smiled my the little girls words. She caressed my cheek and placed the flower into my hair. "Thank you beautiful" I told her smiling. "Thanks sweetie" Said Mingi to the girl and he holded my hand. I gave her the cotton candy Mingi had bought me then the girl left and we saw that she was with a woman, she looked at us and smiled.

He touched my cheek and leaving a kiss. "You are the best that ever happened to me, thank god I met you in that coffee shop" Mingi said smiling, he looked really adorable when he smiled, this eyes would completely close and he showed his teeth when he smiled.

"I feel bad for leaving Yunho, we had lived together for a long time, since we were in high school. I'm going to miss him" Wooyoung said softly. "He will be okay babe, he is moving with Mingi soon too" Said San taking Wooyoung's hand. "What!!? Are you serious!?" Wooyoung asked surprised. "Yes, Mingi is asking him today to move with him. When we meet at Yunho's they will probably tell us... oh wait look!! There they are !" San said pointing at the happy couple sitting under a big tree.

"Hey guys what's up?" Asked Mingi. "Nothing, Mingi do you want to get so beer or something?" Asked San. "Yeah let's go, I will be back baby" Said Mingi leaning towards Yunho to give him a short kiss. "I will be right back" Said San doing the same as the other one.

"So what happened tell me!" Said Wooyoung jumping in excitement. "He asked me to live with him!" Yunho said smiling widely. "Omg I'm so happy for you Yunho." Said wooyoung giving him a hug. "Too bad that you won't be happy with him that long.." a voice from behind Yunho and Wooyoung said. "What are you doing here?" Asked Wooyoung. "I came to have some fun. Can't I?" Asked DongHan with an arrogant tone. "I told you to get away from us, don't you understand AWAY means? Said Yunho raising his voice. "Yunho calm down.." Said Wooyoung trying to make him calmer. " Mingi still loves me, he is just with you because he is trying to forget me but- Yunho didn't let him finish his sentence when he slapped DongHan really hard. "What's going on here ?!" Asked Mingi getting beside Yunho. "This little bitch came to say some shit and Yunho took care of him" Said Wooyoung looking at DongHan angrily. "DongHan get over it! We are nothing, I don't love you anymore. Leave my boyfriend alone!" Mingi yelled at DongHan in his face. "You are mine Mingi!"DongHan said cupping Mingi's face. Mingi holded DongHan's hands and took them away from his face. "I'm Yunho's. Understand that already" Said Mingi going back to him boyfriend placing one of his arms around Yunho's waist. "You will never be happy with him ! He will be mine" yelled DongHan to Yunho and leaving the place.

"Don't worry baby, I'm here with you" Said Mingi hugging Yunho and kissing his cheek. "I'm afraid that you will leave me.." Yunho whispered in Mingi's neck. "You know that it will never happen, in only yours. I love you" whispered Mingi into his boyfriend's ear hugging him tightly.

Hello guys! Thank you soo much for 400+ reads. It means soo much to me. Thanks for all your support. Love you all💘

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