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Mingi's Pov

"Hey Woo, everything is ready. I will be waiting here, You better be on time. Bye see ya~" I texted wooyoung, he was helping me to make a very special thing for Yunho and I tonight. I feel excited for tonight but I also feel bad, these past days I haven't spent time with yunho, he has been a little weird since yesterday. It seems like he wants to tell me something but he doesn't.

San and Wooyoung were the best friends I ever had. They helped me prepare everything, they were just amazing. My life couldn't be better, I had the most amazing and beautiful guy as my boyfriend and soon... my husband.

Wooyoung's Pov
(Inserts jungkook's voice)
*Ding Dong*

I rang the door bell waiting for yunho to come out. When the door opened and it revealed a sleepy yunho with messy hair. "C'mon buddy! You are not going to stay here all day long! Go take a shower and get some nice clothes and come with me!!" I Said pushing yunho away from the living room all the way to his room. "Nooo Woo! I want to stay here, and cry. And cry..." ~ "Why!??? Yunho, it's not the end of the world!" I said opening his closet and taking come clothes. I threw some ripped jeans and a back hoodie on his bed. "Here, wear this!"

I took a shower and put on the clothes that Wooyoung chose for me. "What a handsome man!!!" Wooyoung said as I came out of the bathroom. "Shut up." I said throwing the towel at him. I did my hair and put some makeup on my face before grabbing my phone and keys. "So where are you taking me?" I asked looking at Wooyoung. "Ugh! Bitch it's a surprise" he said running towards the door and opening it. "Bitch you know that I hate surprises!!" ~ "I swear!! You are going to love this one. You won't regret it!" He said as we got into the car and drove to the place where the 'surprise' was.

I was falling asleep because of the long road until I felt that the car stopped and Wooyoung was calling for me. "C'mon body!! We are here!!!" He said getting out of the car and waiting outside for me. I really didn't want to do anything. "What you do want ?" Woo asked as we entered the place. "I don't really want anything, I just want my Mingi back again.."


Mingi's Pov

As I saw Wooyoung and Yunho entering the place I ran towards my car and grabbed a big bouquet of roses.Each flower meant something. There is also a letter attached to the roses, I've been wanting to give Yunho for a long time.

Yunho was my whole happiness, it is true that since he got kidnapped by DongHan everything changed. But it changed for better. I was now going to make him my husband.

I quickly went towards them hiding the flowers behind my back. Wooyoung noticed that I was coming and he left Yunho alone.

"H-hey" I said with a smile. Yunho turned around and noticed me. "Mingi? What are you doing here?" Yunho asked while still looking surprised. "I made all of this just for you baby." I said as I gave him the flowers. He smiled softly and took the flowers. "Yunho I know you've been thinking a lot of things, woo also told me that you've been sad because you thought I was cheating on you. But baby believe me, you are the only one in my life. If I.." I tried to finish my sentence but I was cut off with the most softly lips press onto mine. I had been missing these addictive lips for so long. Yunho's lips were the only thing I wanted to taste, he made me crazy in every other way.

Yunho broke the kiss leaving me breathless, he looked at me then he wrapped his hands around my neck. He came closer to my ears and whispered, "I know you love me as much as I do, Mingi"

We walked to the already- set up table and ate our dinner. We talked about all the happy memories we've had together. How to forget that day that we met. It was the most magical moment. Some more magical moments are coming for both of us. I hope to always be happy with him and we can make a beautiful family.

Omg guys!! It's been so freaking long since I updated in this story. The end of this story is coming and I'm still thinking if I should make a second one. (A story related to this one. Like a new book) OR should I make a completely new story. Let me know if you want it to be about Yungi or some other shipp. Thank you for all your love and support💗

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