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"Pink, blue, yellow

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"Pink, blue, yellow..."

Nyla-Rose was counting her highlighters as accurately as she could while juggling her phone on her shoulder and a handful of popcorn in her hand.

"FRIDAY, didn't I have a green one?"

"Yes, you did. It came in the six pack of chiseled tip retractable Sharpie highlighters you purchased two months ago."

"Whoa. I have way more than six. Aww, FRI, you know what? I think Tobi has my green one. You got my green highlighter?"

"Damn, I was hoping you wouldn't notice."

Tobias's laugh drifted through her phone and she rolled her eyes.

"Well, thanks a lot. You totally threw off my whole vibe."

"I could bring it if you want."

His voice was hopeful.

"You know you can't come over. And even if mom allowed it, Tony would kick you out the minute you stepped foot on the grounds."

Nyla's phone emitted a low grumbling noise and she giggled, taking it from its perch between her shoulder and ear and resting it on the coffee table. In all the years Nyla-Rose had known Tobias, he'd never been allowed to the Tower or the Compound when she'd moved there after the Ultron incident, which only made him far more curious than he usually was about anything.

Her mom trusted him enough for her to befriend him in the first place, but there was apparently too much "at risk" for him to visit and hang out. Nyla had a sneaking suspicion that it had to do with the fact that he was a guy in general, but it was fine. Hanging out with Tobi around the city was far better than being at an almost-always-empty compound.

In front of her, a few folders containing different college brochures and pages of details were spread out in an organized fashion, color and alphabetically coordinated.

She had set up a little area, sitting with her back against the couch and FRIDAY flipping through the channels on the television screen as she waited for the conference her mom had flown to Austria for. Graduation was just around the corner and Nyla-Rose had high hopes of leaving New York to find a good college. Tony always insisted that he could help her get into MIT by pulling a few strings and she always politely declined. MIT was too fancy of a school for her, but that wasn't what had her on edge. With the way things were looking, she didn't know if she would be able to leave New York.

Wanda had told her everything about what was called the Sokovia Accords and what it meant for her and the others while helping Nyla pick out a dress for the graduation ceremony. Her mom had been too busy speaking on the phone to notice the worried glances Nyla given her every once in awhile. She had agreed with Tony, much to Wanda's dismay, and although Nyla knew her opinion didn't much matter, she felt that Steve had a point. They would be answering to political figures, higher ups that never did anything unless it was profitable for personal gain. She couldn't imagine the team taking orders from the likes of such people.

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