8 - Cold Brownies

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Ezra let Alyssa walk through the front door first. She held her shopping bag close to her like she was hiding behind it. The second he stepped past the threshold the smell of freshly baked brownies hit him. Brownies count. I could always put them in the blender... no. Brownies count big time.

"Is that you guys coming in here?" their mom called from the kitchen.

"No, we're dangerous robbers!" Ezra laughed back. What would actual robbers even say to that? 'Oh no, you got us, maybe next time!'

She poked her head around the corner and waved for them to come back. The kitchen was its usual post baking mess. Chaos but everything was placed where it was for a reason. That's how all three of them liked to keep things. She was already throwing measuring cups and mixing bowls into the sink when Ezra and Alyssa sat down at the breakfast bar.

Ezra watched his mom bustle around the kitchen, knowing she wouldn't be up for talking until it was clean. Her arms were two inches wider than what they needed to be. Her waist had an extra ten. One would debate whether to describe her as pear or apple shaped. Her cheeks were puffy pink marshmallows that contrasted her porcelain skin. Slick black hair made her look like a classic Snow White who aged poorly. Anyone could tell she was a mom.

Ezra and Alyssa had olive toned skin but once summer started to leave, they looked like their mother but... warmer.

Ironic since I never am.

He pulled his sweater over his hands and put his head between them.

"Guys! Look what I made tonight while you were out," his mother set a tray of brownies in front of them. "And guess what. I have the ingredients for everybody's favorite," She brought over fudge and vanilla ice cream, presenting them with jazz hands. They used to always eat ice cream over brownies with fudge.

Used to.

It counts. It counts so much... but the suit fit me. I could spare a small dish.

Ezra took a spoon and started dishing it all up. I can just pause the time. If I eat this while it's still seven, I'll just void the whole hour altogether. I've got half an hour.

"I'm not really hungry but thank you, mommy," Alyssa slid off of her seat and kissed their mom on the cheek before running up the stairs. Her eyes never left the sweets on the counter. Ezra poured hot fudge over his mix and began to shove it all in before he even set the bottle down.

"Slow down sweetheart, you act like you haven't eaten anything in three days," she laughed and it took every muscle in his body to not freeze. He smiled back before seeing Alyssa's bag still on the floor.

"I'm going to go up to my room if that's alright with you," he was already picking up his bowl and the bags. Her face fell a little but she held out her cheek to accept his goodnight kiss.

He walked straight to Alyssa's room and pushed her door open with his foot. Inside, she was doing jumping jacks in front of her dresser. Her back was to him but he could see her face in the mirror. Her forehead was slick. How long has she been going? Obviously, since she came up here but... how many has she done?

She grimaced and pushed out a few more before stopping, letting her arms drop to the dresser. That's when she caught Ezra's eyes in the mirror.

"What the fuck are you staring at?" She spun around to look at him, face to face, gripping the lip of her dresser.

"Nothing," he stepped into her room.

She looked at his bowl, "Get that shit out of here."

Ezra raised her bag up to her, "just bringing up your bag, relax. I thought you loved this stuff anyways." She stared at the bowl in longing distaste.

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