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Request from _StoneColdCrazy..

Brian's P.O.V

"W-will you consider going on a date with me, R-Roger?" I stuttered. Roger grinned and (unintentionally, I think) licked his lips. He leaned onto me and whispered the words I've been dreaming of for so long. 

"Of course. How about the movie theater down town?" He looked up at me and bit his lip. I felt my pants get tight. 'No,no, no, no not now,' I sent my thoughts to my lower body and tried to think of something other than Roger laying naked in my be-

"Brian? Anybody home?" Roger squeaked from below my height. I flushed crimson-red and smiled down at him.

"Yes, Roger the theater would be perfect." I swallowed thickly. He patted my chest and began to walk away mumbling, "Tonight at 7, pretty boy." I turned a brighter red than ever before and made my way to my guitar on the other side of the studio.

Roger's P.O.V

I felt like I was floating. Not because I was more than likely a little stoned, but Brian-freaking-Harold-May just asked me out on a date! I walked over to my drum kit and sat down. Before we started recording we had a break to relax and fool around with our instruments. I began to play a drum solo of 'Foxey Lady' - a song by Jimi Hendrix,  and stopped when I replayed Bri asking me out and noticed something I didn't before-did Brian have a you-know-what  when he was talking to me? I flushed scarlet on my ears and cheeks and placed my drumsticks on the snare. I tried not to think about it, but it just kept coming back. Brian asked you out, Roger. And his boner was pressed on your hip-bone. That usual voice in my head started to prey on my thoughts. 'He did but at least it was for me.' I thought right back. It stopped, thankfully. The natural color returned to my face and I continued "Here I come baby, I'm comin' to get ya Foxy lady, You look so good," I sang loudly. 

I continued drumming when I heard Freddie from the other room, "Yeah, foxy, Yeah, give us some!"

 I stopped and turned around to the entrance to see Freddie leaning on the wall grinning like a cheshire cat. "Fred, you're so cheesy." I said with a sigh. 

"You know it, darling. Where on earth is John?"  He asked. I shrugged. 

"The last time I saw him he was headed to bathroom-with a really flushed face. I think he needed to blow-off-some-steam, if y'know what I mean." I smirked.

Freddie bit his lip. "I'd be happy to help, if he would've just told me." 

"He might still be in there, you know. Go get 'em tiger!" I said enthusiastically. 

"Thanks dad, but we're already dating." he scoffed. 

"Still, good luck-SON!" I yelled howling with laughter. He blushed and pursed his lips before making his way to the bathroom. Jeez, they still haven't done anything yet? I mean they've dated for 5 months now! I heard a moan from the bathroom. "J-John, oh my g-god!" Well, maybe not. I can't wait to hear the details. A scream from Deaky burst through the walls of the studio-actually, I don't think I can handle the details. About 20 minutes later of drumming music pieces, Freddie came into the room with an unbuttoned shirt and sex-hair. "Practice c-canceled." I smiled at him. 

"So, John's a screamer, huh?" He nodded. "You a top or a bottom?" 

"Top." He beamed. My son is growing up. "Also, I have to get John and go back to the flat...Round two is likely." 

I covered my mouth in shock, and I wasn't pretending. "Ohhhh," I hummed. He smiled and raced over to the bathroom where John is probably putting clothes back on. I put my drumsticks on the snare and got off of the stool to go home, but not before sprinting Freddie carried John through the hallway and out the door. I laughed out loud. Brian poked his head out of the guitar room and looked down the hallway. I was dying, dying of laughter.

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