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[new book! hope you enjoy!]

jungkook walked into his homeroom classroom with a hoodie on. he pulled the hood over his head before entering the room.

"mr. jeon. how many times do i have to tell you?" yelled seokjin slamming his ruler on the desk. "you need to wear you uniform everyday and keep you hood down."

jungkook ignored seokjin and walked to his desk.
"hey, nerd, give me some paper." he whispered to taehyung who was sitting across him.

"that's not my name you know."

"kim taehyung! you're interrupting my lesson.
detention. you and mr. jeon."

"look what you fucking started."


it was time for detention. taehyung was pissed. he had never gotten detention before and he didn't want to go.

"now, you two are going to sit in this classroom until you apologize to each other." said seokjin. "i will be in room 207. if you need to use the washroom then you come and ask me. if you think of ditching then you'll be suspended. jungkook for you it's another detention." seokjin left the room.

"thanks a lot jungkook."

"oh shut up nerd. you could've just handed me the paper without saying anything."

"whatever. let's just get this over with so we can get out of here."

"i'm not apologizing. you could've kept your mouth shut." taehyung slouched down in his chair and pulled out his phone. it started ringing.


"hey taehyung."

"what's up jimin?"

"do you want to come over? yoongi's here. we're gonna play truth or dare and stuff."

"i can't. i'm in detention with jungkook."

"that sucks. then why don't you just play it with him. it'll be over with faster."

"no. i gotta go. bye."

"bye." taehyung put his phone in his backpack so seokjin wouldn't see it.

"who was that?" jungkook was bored and figured he could at least talk to taehyung a little bit.

"why does it matter?"

"i figured the least we could do was converse."

"jimin. he wanted to hang out. he said that we should play truth or dare or some shit to pass the time."

"well why don't we do that. he's not wrong. there's nothing else to do in here."

"okay. do you wanna go first?"

"sure. truth or dare."


"what's your sexuality?"

"i'm gay. what about you?"


"jungkook, truth or dare?"


"why do you get in trouble and get detention all the time?"

"i don't really know why i do it. most of the time i don't try to." he said glaring at the elder.


"taehyung, truth or dare."


"okay, you said you're gay right?"

"yeah, why?"

"i dare you to make out with me."

"seriously jungkook? that's what you choose?"

"it'll pass the time. do you really want to be stuck in this room all day? who knows how long we could be here."

"no. but... i mean i guess." taehyung climbed over jungkook and put his hands on his cheeks. he stared into his dark brown eyes. he hadn't realized how attractive he was. "are you gonna get this over with or what?"

"yeah." taehyung leaned in and kissed jungkook.

"you're a good kisser." teased jungkook.

"oh shut up and kiss me. i mean it's the dare right?" jungkook kissed taehyung again.

about five minutes had passed. the two had stopped kissing and just started at each other for a few seconds.

"let's just tell seokjin that we're good now. that we apologized. i think that's a good enough apology."

"okay. let's go." they grabbed they're bags, told their teacher, and left the school.

"uh, if you need anything just let me know. jungkook gave taehyung his phone number.


"yeah. i mean i should help you with stuff or people i guess, to make up for kissing you."

taehyung's mom picked him up but jungkook was left to walk home.

"do you need a ride home?" asked ms. kim.

"i don't know."

"are your parents going to pick you up?"

"actually my parents are in the u.s."

"oh. i'm sorry. why don't we take you home."

"okay. you can just drop me off at the bus station. my house is pretty far away."

"okay. you can sit in the back with taehyung."

the two sat in an awkward silence. taehyung still hadn't stopped thinking about the kiss. he wanted to kiss jungkook again but he couldn't and he knew jungkook would never want to kiss him again.

jungkook got home twenty minutes after taehyung did. the bus had surprisingly a lot of stops. it was 6:30.

t: you know, you're a pretty good kisser too

j: really?

t: yeah. so what are you doing?

j: not much. there's not really anything to do here. i was about to make some ramen

t: okay. i'll leave you to it. i'll see you tomorrow

j: bye


feel free to make comments about any errors or thoughts/ opinions

this chapter HAS been edited but it's still possible there are errors

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