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the door opened.

"jungkook?" taehyung stopped kissing the younger. he heard footsteps heading towards them. "jungkook!? what are you doing?"

"mom, dad? what are you doing here?" jungkook was pissed. they completely abandoned him for almost two years.

"we decided to take a few weeks off of work and come back here. who's that?" jungkook's parents were very homophobic and didn't want their son with another male.

"taehyung. he's my boyfriend." said jungkook without hesitation. he kissed taehyung again just to make his parents mad.

"maybe i should go." said taehyung getting off jungkook's  lap.

"no. stay." said jungkook pulling him beside him. taehyung could see the anger in jungkook's mother's eyes.

"jungkook, get this rat out of here."

"he's not a fucking rat. he's a little tiger. my tiger."

"jungkook, we know this is just a phase. you just need to get that into your head. you don't like men. you like women."

"you know taehyung here is gay and i'm pan and i like him. you're just going to have to deal with it. he'll be here everyday so you better start getting used to it.
come on taehyungie." jungkook dragged taehyung up the stairs and into his bedroom.

"let's piss them off."

"i don't know jungkook. why don't we just talk about them and this whole situation."

"yeah. you're right. let's just talk about it."

"so what exactly is your parent's problem?"

"well they're homophobic and they think that me 'being pan and liking guys is just a 'phase'. sorry i said you're my boyfriend. i guess i just wanted to prove them wrong and make them mad. i mean i guess we could piss them off now and then get married or pretend to so they'll realize it's not a phase." taehyung laughed at that. "although it probably wouldn't work. we'd be together for years and we aren't exactly friends."

"yeah. i mean i guess."

"if you're ever lonely or want to make out text me." jungkook smirked.

"okay. if you ever need me to piss off your parents you know where to reach me. i should take off though. i told my mom i'd be home for dinner."

"okay. bye. see you tomorrow."

"bye. remember you have to help me if i need it tomorrow."


taehyung smiled whenever he thought about jungkook. although it was all to piss off his parents, he liked the fact that they got to make out a lot more.

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