Chapter One

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I can't but...I, its not fair.

Just keep typing Adora.

Just keep typing.

I keep typing but it's hard to see with watery eyes and a million things running through your head.

Just type.


Monday the days I have my therapy session. Lately I had been looking forward to them even less than usual. Today however hadn't been so bad. It was fairly light. I wasn't tired or drained.

I was walking back to my dorm. Hopefully my dumbass roommates wouldn't be there.

I walked in and went to lie down in my bed. It had been a long day. I wasn't emotionally tired but physically I was. Despite today's session I still felt like shit.

I started looking through some of my social media. The one's I still use that anyway. Nothing much is new.

It had been an hour maybe more who knows. A message from Adora.

"Hey, Catra, I have wanted to talk..."


I could feel my face start to heat up. My head was suddenly filled with a hundred possibilities. The worst case scenarios. I tried breathing.

Another message.


Another one and a few more.

They finally stopped.

I didn't know what was written or what they said but I could almost 100% feel like I knew what they said.

Open it.


Take a few breaths. I was preparing myself . It was 6 now that means that Scorpia and Entrapta would be  back soon. If it is what I think it is then I  can't just let how I feel show. I still have a ton to do.

Take a few more breaths.

I put my phone down.


I opened the message. I didn't really want to read them. I just skimmed through them.

"... I've wanted to talk about this for a while..."

"... it's just not fair to either of us..."

"...things have been distant..."

"... the romance part of our relationship is flat..."

"... it would be better to just stay as close  friends..."

"... I'm sorry I just don't know when I'll see you again..."

Yeah. I know.

CATRA: " I understand. It's fine. Thanks for letting me know."

I didn't really know how to respond. What was I even feeling right now. I don't know what it is.

ADORA: typing...

ADORA: " I'm sorry. It's just this doesn't even seem like a relationship anymore it's a lot more like our old friendship."

ADORA: "How are you doing? Are you ok?"

I want sure. I don't think there is a word for it. It's not sadness, it's not anger, it's not disappointment. I don't know what it was.

CATRA: " I'm fine. It was kind of expected to be honest. It's understandable it's not fair to continue in a relationship that feels strained."

ADORA: typing...


ADORA: typing...

ADORA: "It seems really insensitive to do it over text but it just didn't seem fair to let things go on any longer. In the current circumstances it just feels right to be friends."

CATRA: "Yeah being friends sounds good and besides I can't imagine you being completely gone from my life."

ADORA: typing...

ADORA: "Me either you're important to me and don't want you out of my life either."

CATRA: "On a lighter note I've been really into a new show and it reminds me of a lot of people we know. It's kind of funny"

ADORA: "Really?! What's it called what's it about?"

CATRA: typing...

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