Chapter 3: How the Dominos fall

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Jake sighed sitting down at the booth, he didn't want to eat not when he was this close to finding Michael! Connor and Evan sat on the opposite side of Jake as a waitress came over. "Hi boys! Your usual?" She smiled.

"Yes please." Connor said. "Our usual is a small salad and a plain pie for the table since Evan doesn't like to eat meat, well except for fish, but I tried anchovies once, never again." He said trying to liven the mood. "Anything you want to eat Jake?"

"I'm okay."

"Alright and drinks boys?"

"Diet Pepsi." Connor said. Evan tugged Connors shoulder softly. "And a Jasmine Tea please." He smiled kissing Evans nose, since Evan didn't like to order himself unless he has to, but he hated to since it made him so anxious messing up.

"I'll have a...Mountain Dew." Jake said as she nodded leaving to get their drinks. Jake sighed getting his phone out seeing texts from the group asking where he was and to come home please, he just ignored them going to his photos and going to the Michael and Jake album he made of almost every photo they had together. Only ones that weren't in the album was in a different album that wasn't for the eyes of an innocent. He sighed looking at the photos, they at the park, the mall, the movies, that smoothly place they liked to go to after school. Every picture there hurt to look at, but he only did it to remind himself why he was fighting this so much, to see his princesses big smile again, to hold him, to kiss marry him. He put his phone away playing with the small velvet box he had in his pocket taking it out.

"What's that Jake?" Connor asked.

"It' engagement ring..." Jake sighed as Evan gasped.

"Y-you were going t-to p-propose to Michael?!"

"Yeah...I wanted to, after he came home from the program. But...well you know what happen." He sighed opening the box seeing the silver ring with his birthstone in the center, an Opal. Jake put the box away as the waitress came over with their drinks putting Connor and Evans down as she was about to give Jake his someone bumped the woman making her spill the drink on Jake by accident.

"I-I oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Here let me help!" She said cleaning it up while Jake ran to the bathroom so the soda didn't stain his jacket. As he ran into the bathroom he bumped into someone making them both fall to the ground.

"S-Sorry I couldn't tell where I was going, I lost my contact..." he said softly. Jake rubbed his head nodding before gasping seeing the person in front of him.

He looked like Michael!

??? POV
~A few minutes ago~

I fidgeted around in my seat, this was so weird, being out in public, though we weren't really near anyone, my parents asked for a table in the back. Guess they are just being extra paranoid today, but I can't blame them this time, it's the first time in four years I've been out of the house! I kept picking at contact, it bothered me so much!

"Allen. Stop touching your eyes, it's unusual." My mom said.

"Sorry mom, I need to use the bathroom, I need to wash my contacts..." I told her.

"Fine, be back here in a few the food will be here soon. And Allen. Don't talk to anyone, I don't trust the people here..." She said. I nodded my head getting up and walking to the bathroom, there wasn't many people in the restaurant honestly, just some couples, some family's and a group of friends from the college I heard was around here...though I couldn't see them all...they looked a little familiar. Maybe I knew them in the past? I took out my contact starting to wash it gently when I dropped one. Damn it. I start to look around for it when someone suddenly rushed into me making us both fall on the ground, or maybe I was the one who bumped into him, after all I can't see...

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