Chapter 4: Moonstruck Blossom

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??? POV

...w-what...what happen...where...where am I? I look around confused...I was in a bed in a room...this small black kitten on my stomach was sleeping and this woman was petting my head.

"Allen...are you okay?" She asked me softly. Allen...that was me? Right? "Honey...?"

"Y-Yes...? W-what happen..."

"You fainted honey, you had a really bad's okay mommy's here..." she said softly. Mom...she's my mother... right I-I think I remember. "Do you remember who you are?" She asked me. I shook my head no softly. "Your name is Allen Shastacan, I'm your mother, your father is in the other room, and that's your kitty Vivian." She said to me. I pet the small kitten softly as a man walked in.

"Allen! Your awake!"


"I'm your father Incase you forgot, what's the last thing you remember...?" He asked me. That was a pretty blunt

I...I don't remember anything...except a faint melody playing in my's beautiful but...what is it?

"I...I don't know..." I told him as he and the woman looked to one another nodding their heads.

"It's alright Allen, like we've said, it's better to forget the past, to remember the future!" He smiled...but why should I forget...? "Get some rest Allen, your still recovering..." he told me as the woman got up kissing my head. I lay back down, my eyelids getting heavier as I hear the tune again...what the heck was it and why can't I get it out of my head?!

Jakes POV

I found the address he told me about...did anyone even live this far? No other houses were around it was almost abandoned if anything...but that car was in the driveway. Michael was here, I know it! I closed the car door and approached the door gently, trying to hear anything...nothing... I took a deep breath and pushed the door in, The lock broke pretty easily... I walked in gently, I had to make sure they didn't know I was here... I walked around the place hearing soft voices from another room, I listened the best I could.

"He doesn't remember..." the female said.

"That's good. He may finally be at the point where nothing can bring back who he was before."

"Good. Everyone can forget about "Michael Mell" and we will have our son back." She laughed.

"Especially since we got rid of that god forsaken locket. I swear it took us so long to realize that was the trigger..." he said. The locket? A trigger...? Wait...the melody from the locket! Maybe that's what they are talking about...

"I wish that our hypnosis could completely work with no chance of someone breaking from it, but there always has to be a fail safe. And now that failsafe is gone, and we have our obedient son." She laughed. I held the locket close, I had to find Michael now! I quietly ran from the door trying to find where Michael could be.

I approached a door with the letter AC on it...Allen Chastcan! This must be his room!! Which princess might be in here! I walked towards the door gently pushing it open and walking in. All the way in the back of the room by a window was a figure...and a little black kitty sleeping on his chest...wait... that was him!! I nearly broke into tears...but he didn't look like he was moving... they wouldn't...they didn't! I panicked running over to him. "Princess! No! No no no! Don't be...don't be dead..." he sobbed as he stir lifting himself up confused.

"Wha...who are you..." he yawned as I hugged him tight.

"Michael!'s me Jake..."

"M-Michael? N-no name is Allen..." he said confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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