Death's Companion

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Darkness slowly consumed the room. Only the moon peeking from the window gave some illumination to the long hall. She dragged her almost lifeless body through the wooden floorings. Her jeans were torn and ripped apart showing a deep gash extending throughout her left thigh giving her less mobility. You could see the blood oozing from it, leaving a crimson trace. She snaked her hand up the wall and held herself up with her right leg. Toughen up. A grunt escaped her mouth at the stinging pain on her thigh's wound. But she couldn’t rest…HE was after her. The shadow of despair, the worst angel of all...the angel of death.  Her time had come. His feet tapped rhythmically against the floor, getting closer and closer. Her heart raced faster, her breathing quickened. Every footstep killed her slowly in a way.

"You know, it's quite stupid to run from death." She turned to her right in horror at the husky yet stern voice. He was wearing a long coat which almost touched the ground, in a pitch black color matching his ebony mane. His skin was of a pale tone which made his emerald eyes stand out even more. A smug smirk melted on his face at the horrified brunette's expression. "You'll die anyways after all, what's the difference if I do it now?" He said calmly as if stating the weather.

"You'll make sure it hurts. You'll make sure to make me ache until I scream to the point I won't be able to produce a single sound." She spat glaring at the scythe that he waved around oh so proudly. His eyes shined with an evil glint. They had met before in her childhood. He had come in his life only to bring disgrace. Since the moment their eyes met an immense hatred grew between them, even when they knew it was sure they would meet again. Just to bring despair again. He let out a low chuckled and turned to his hand watch.

"2:10 am. You have exactly five minutes left Arina." She looked around helplessly trying to find a way out. But it was too late. The house was an old abandoned wreck, with all of its doors conveniently locked "If you ask me I think that wound of yours might have something to do." He suggested raising an eyebrow. In an attempt to run away once again, she slid herself through the wall, leaving once more the trail of blood. At this point, most of her blood was now splattered across the floor or the wall. Her left leg was almost unmovable. Death walked calmly a few feet away from her, not wanting to miss a second of her agony. Finally, she fell to the floor lying helpless. A few tears clouded up her sight. She had hoped for someone to help her, for a miracle to happen and spare her innocent life. But it was useless? They were in the middle of nowhere. No one would hear her screams, no one would ever know about her again. She'd now be just another missing person. She could feel energy slowly draining off her. Things got dimmer; the cold was chewing up her bones. Inside her soul a sense of defeat took over. Her eyes felt heavy, her world was coming to a tragic end. In a blurry sight all she could see were those piercing green eyes. But instead of the victory smirk she expected from that despicable creature, a frown was painted on the victor's face. She could barely hear a low sigh as he waved back the old rusty scythe. In the end, a small sense of sadness and joy invaded her.Once her eyes closed, a small smile drew on her. Death furrowed his eyebrows questioning her expression. At least, we'll be together Korlene. I know...that in the end of this, I'll see you around the corner. Smiling at me like always. Giving me an 'I've been waiting for you' and hold me in an embrace. Just like before, just like I’ve been told death would be. Those were her last thoughts, before everything turned pitch black. It wasn't an endless pain as she expected her antagonist to make. Instead, her cold was replaced with warmth. Her wounds were replaced with comfort. No worries were in her head, the notion of time was gone. Nothing but peace and silence, something she had lost a long time ago. Suddenly her tranquility was disturbed by a tickling feeling on her arm. What? Korlene?…I can’t see Then she felt the sunlight bathing her skin once more and a breeze on her face. Reluctantly her eyes fluttered open. Her sight was cloudy until she focused to find a horrible sight. Just a few inches away, emerald eyes looked at her inquisitively. Falling into realization of her still living, a quizzical look was placed on her face. The undead in front of her exhaled in a mix of relief and annoyance.

"Looks like we're not done yet." He said with an awkward smile bringing chills to her spine. And the truth was...they were far from done…

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