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buzz buzz buzz buzz
"Ug," I groan before shutting of my alarm and getting out of bed. I slowly trod over to the bathroom and get ready for the day. Luckily it's Friday so today should go by pretty quickly. I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror. I'm so ugly. And fat. Whatever. It's not like I have anyone to impress anyway. I threw on a short sleeve crop top and a pair of leggings before grabbing my backpack and walking out the front door where Asher is parked waiting for me. I agreed to let him drive me that way he would see that I'm serious about forgiving him. I mean as much as I can. It is going to be hard but I now we can make it work. We say our hellos and begin the journey to school.

"Sooooooo, whatcha doing this weekend?" Asher asks obviously trying to make conversation. I shrug my shoulders and ask him the same question.
"Nothing much. Hey maybe we could go somewhere tomorrow." He proposes. I raise an eyebrow at him for him to elaborate.
"Well since we are gonna be tots besties now we should tots go get our nails done together!"He exclaims sounded like a rich white girl. I smile and let out a soft chuckle. I don't remember the last time I genuinely smiled.
"I like making you laugh. It's much better than making you cry."

"I completely agree." As we pull up to the school we realise it pouring and very windy. I look down at the crop top I chose to wear and sigh. I'm about to be freezing. Next thing I know a flying ball of fabric hit my head. I look over to see Asher laughing his butt off.

"Jesus Christ Cassidy. It's just a hoodie. Your gonna get a sniffle. Put it on." He says while laughing. I stare at him until he finishes before breaking out into a breathtaking laugh.
"What?" He questions smiling.

"Y-you said I'm going to get a SNIFFLE!" I say gasping for air in between sentences. He just rolls his eyes and tells me to put on the hoodie. I do and we both step out of the car and run to the front door. We are already late and now we are drenched. Also we have first period together and with Brent and Noah who still have no idea about Asher and I being      friends-ish. We make our way down the hallway still smiling and giggling quietly considering classes are going on. Once we reach the home ec room, Asher opens the door for me as everyone on the class stares at us. We both walk in drenched and quietly chuckling to ourselves and everyone is to schooled to notice. We take our seats and I try to ignore the burning glare from Brent and Noah.
"Spill"Noah tells across the lunch table. After home ec I have tried my best to avoid him and Brent but I knew lunchtime would turn into an investigation. I explained everything to them and they weren't the happiest of humans. But after some begging and puppy dog eyes they finally obliged to being civil with Asher unless anything happens.
We continued on with our normal banter throughout the day and before I knew it I was free at last!

Finally some peaceful relaxation time in my bed. But wait. My relaxation was cut short because mother frickin Asher Norman HAD to text me. This bitch.

Asher- heeeyyy bestie! About our outing tmr. We are gonna go to the boardwalk. I shall pick you up at 12:00pm be ready or I will break into your house.

Cassidy- I never agreed to this.

Asher-oh well

Cassidy-this is kidnaping

Asher-you'll get over it


Asher-😘 that's me

I rolled my eyes and put my phone down before FINALLY relaxing. Tomorrow should be interesting.
"FRICK!" I screamed. I really need to stop burning myself with the curling iron. I signed and walked into my bedroom to receive my phone that has been buzzing like crazy.
Tap what the heck tap tap ummm

"CASSIDY OPEN THE GOD DAMN WINDOW!" I jump and look over to my window to see Asher crouched down on the tree branch banging on the glass. I laugh and open the window.

"Asher why didn't you just knock on the front door?" I ask. He smirked at me.

" well I did tell you that if you weren't ready I would break into your house." He says matter of factly. I roll my eyes before we leave to the board walk.

Today has been great. We went on rides,ate candy, and played games we are now walking back to the car. More like running from each other because we are two year olds and wanted to play tag. I have to admit Asher really is a great guy once you get to know him. I'm very happy I gave him a chance. I was currently running away when I felt to strong arms rap around my waist and spin me around so I am met with to crystal blue eyes looking down at me. I smile at the sight when Asher whispers something in my ear.

"Tag, your it." Well frick me where it matters I think I'm falling for Asher. But he definitely doesn't feel the same way. The car ride home was silent until I got out of the car and he said goodbye. I went up to my bedroom and just cried not knowing what else to do. I decided to turn to my best friends and they immediately came over and just kept me company. They don't need to know about the details. They would have my head on a stick if I told them. I just have to get over the fact that Asher only feels bad that my parents are dead and will never love me.

Asher's POV

I love her


Ooooooooh I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Please give me feedback on the comments.

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