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"Oh Cass, your birthday is in two days. It's time we plan your party!" I sigh.

"Ok well I obviously want the gang there, Tommy and I don't know who else." I admit.

"Well, do you want just us or families and siblings too?"

"You guys can bring your families and siblings, I would be fine with that."

"Cool, my siblings would love to meet you. They are twins. They are 13 years old. I think your will like them." I laugh.

"Of course I will, I love all children."it's true I always loved kids and they always gravitated towards me for some reason. I'm not complaining.

"Alright I texted everyone and let them know. Now the girls are on their way and they are going to take you shopping while the boys and I plan everything else." I nod my head and run up to my room top get dressed. I dressed in a blue crop top and grey leggings before running downstairs to meet the gang.

"Hey Cass, you ready?" Riley asks. I nod and say goodbye to the boys before going into the car where Laila was waiting for us. We talked the entire drive to the mall and found a parking spot.

"Okay Cass, since this is your first birthday party we need to find you an amazing outfit!" Laila exclaims. I nod and they drag me to Forever 21. We look around until we find an outfit that suits me. I go and try it on and when I step out of the dressing room, both Riley and Laila's jaws drop.

Cassidy's outfit

"Damn Girl! That dress is perfect for you!" I laugh and go back into the dressing room

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"Damn Girl! That dress is perfect for you!" I laugh and go back into the dressing room. I change back into my regular clothes b fore paying for the dress. We walk around the mall a little longer and get food. We the. Realize how long we were here for and decide to go back to my house. Once we get there I realize the boys aren't there anymore. I say goodbye to the girls and head inside. Not long after I locked the door my phone buzzed.

Laila:  BTW we are picking u up at 10 tmr to have a girls day to get you ready for your party the next day.

Cassidy: alrighty c u tmr

I turn off my phone and go to sleep.

The next morning

"So what are we dining today?" I ask as I get into Laila's car.

"Well first we are going to get coffee, then we will get our nails done, then get ice cream." I nod as we pull up to the Starbucks drive through. We order our drinks and are off to the nail salon. We got there and were told to pick out our colors. I picked grey, Laila picked pink, and Riley picked blue. We were seated in a chair and talking when we noticed a girl from school come in. She just glared at us then went to her own chair on the other side of the salon.

"What was that about?" Laila asks.

"She probably knows about the whole thing with Noah. They are half cousins." I say quietly. They nod and we get back to enjoying our girl day. The girl from our school stood up right before us and walked out. We payed and then followed behind her. We were all laughing at a joke Laila said but that was soon cut short when they stopped laughing and stared straight ahead. Before they could stop me I followed their gaze and saw the girl hugging a boy tightly. I recognized that boy as Asher. I felt my heart drop. How could he move on so quick? It's barely been a week. He looks up and makes eye contact with me when the girls drag me into the car and drive away quickly. I stayed silent in shock.

"Are you Okay Cass?" Riley asks sympathetically. I look up from my lap and meet their eyes.

"Yeah, I mean the Man Whore has struck again. Thank you guys for being there for me. I'm really happy to have you guys in my life."

"We love you so much Cass. Okay enough sad shit. Let's go get ice cream!" And that's what we did. We went to the ice team parlor and all got vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinkles on top. After we finished, they dropped me off at home and now I'm lying on my bed scrolling through Instagram. I was going through my feed when I came across a picture of a girl and Asher. I recognize the girl who posted it as the girl we saw earlier at the nail salon. Did he really move on that quick? I decide it's time I officially moved on. I went onto my account and deleted all of the pictures I posted of me and the boys. I them posted the picture Laila took at our "girls night" when the guys showed up and attacked us. The picture was hilarious. Laila had her eyes closed and tongue sticking out, Riley had her mouth wide open with Luke, who's eyes are crossed, hands covering her eyes. Next to him was Peter who's hands were wrapped around Luke's waist like a prom photo. Then there was me and Tony. We were hugging each other tight with our eyes squinted shut and a big toothy smile taking over both of our faces. I laugh at the memory of that night and post the photo before exiting Instagram and scrolling through Pinterest. After ten minutes of useless scrolling I decided to check my Instagram. I clicked on the picture I had just posted and saw that it had 47 likes and 12 comments.

RiRiley: omg I love this!!!
LukeyLuke: Why is @petey's arms around me
Petey: @LukeyLuke because I love you boo
Lailaaaaaa: awwwwww I Love all you guys so much
Cassyyy: @TTony ❤️
RiRiley: I love you guys!❤️
noah: I like seeing you smile Cass
babyBRENT: @noah @cassyyy I just wish we were the ones to make you smile
TTony: @noah @babyBRENT    don't. Don't act like you care
Petey: @noah @babyBRENT back off guys
Ash: im sorry   Have fun with your new life

I laugh at my friends but sigh as I read the last few comments. I've been having so much fun with my new friends I almost forgot about how this has affected my other friends. buuuuuuuzzzz

Tony🏍: Dont let them ruin your mood. Tomorrow is your birthday and you should be happy. We are all alway here for you. See you tomorrow ❤️

Tony always knew the right things to say.

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