. 2

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The next morning went smooth. Noah and I woke up an hour before school started and we both showered and got dressed. We had some time left before school started so we went and got coffee before heading to hell.


"You ready?" Noah whispers in my ear right before we walk in through the front doors of out highschool. I take a deep breathe and nod before taking a step into the building. I'm immediately overwhelmed by my surroundings. Just thinking about everything that has happened on these hallways over the past 2 years. I feel a hand slip into mine and I look to my left to see Noah smiling at me. I smiled back and we walked down the hallway hand in hand to our 1st class, home ec.  When we walked in I saw many familiar faces. The teacher began roll call and I was sat at the table next to Noah. His partner was Brent Law. Brent and Noah got along okay because they were both on the football team. Lucky for me I was partnerless and the seat next to me at my table was empty. Mrs. Rafter told us we would have a free period so I began to talk to Noah and Brent about the football season. We talked the entire period before being interrupted by the classroom door opening. Everyone in the class looked over to see who would show up late on the first day of school. My heart practically stopped when I made eye contact with the student. How did I not see this coming. I should have known that when life is going well it is never going to last long. Mrs. Rafter justrolled her eyes .

"Mr. Norman the only available seat is over there next to Miss Rivers." She spoke harshly while pointing to the seat next to me. I gulped as Asher smirked at me and headed over to our table. I tried to continue talking to Noah and Brent so I didn't lose my shit. They both obvious noticed because Noah grabbed my hand as Brent stood up and walked over to the teacher. I was confused as to what he was doing but overheard him asking to switch seats with me. When he came back to the table with a defeated look he placed a comforting hand on my arm.

"I'm sorry Cassidy. I tried." He said apologetically. I nodded before Noah spoke up.

"Don't worry C. Like I said yesterday, I won't let anything happen to you."

"Neither will I." Brent said flashing me a smile. I thanked them before the bell rang and we all scattered out of the classroom.


The next few classes went by quick. Noah, Brent and I were in pretty much every class. Asher was only in a few but sat far away from me. Thank god. Brent and Noah agreed to walk home with me since we all lived on the same street. The only problem is, so did Asher.

"Guys wait here I'm gonna run to the bathroom before we leave." I said to the boys before running down the hallway and into the ladies room. I did my business and washed my hands before opening the door. As soon as I stepped out of the room I'm pinned against the wall by none other than Asher Norman.

"Hey nerd. Miss me?" He asked while smirking at my nervousness. I gulped and look away from his piercing blue eyes. He placed a hand on my cheek and turned my hand so I'm looking into his eyes. "Don't be like that, I just asked a simple question. I guess your not that smart if you can't even answer me." He said before stepping away from me. I quickly stammered away from him. I began to run before I felt a tight grip on my rest pull me back and into someone's chest. "Why the rush nerd, I'm sure mommy can wait a few-" before he could finish his sentence I push him away and begin sprinting to the front of the school. Right as I reach the front doors Noah and Brent turn around. I immediately run into there arms with tears running down my cheek.

"Cassidy! What the hell! Are you okay? What's wrong?" They ask as I sob. I shook my head and am scooped up into someone's arms, I'm assuming Noah as the boys begin to walk to my house.


"C are you sure your  okay on your own tonight?" Asks Noah. After I told them what happened they didn't want to Leave me alone for the night.

"I will be fine guys I promise. But I think I am gonna stay home tomorrow. I don't want to see Asher.  But I promise I will come to the football game tomorrow night. And I will wheRe your clothes to show my support for my two favorite dudes." I say before kissing each of them on their cheek. It's a tradition that the football players give their girlfriends their jersey and varsity jacket to wear to the games to show their support. But since neither of them have girlfriends, here I am! I shall where Noah's jersey and Brent's varsity jacket. They nod before kissing my cheek and telling me to give them a call if I need anything today or tomorrow. Once they are gone. I closed and locked the door before heading up to my bedroom. As soon as I get onto my bed, sleep immediately overcomes me and I'm out like a light.


"God dammit!" I screamed as I npburned my neck for the fifth time will curling my hair. Why do I even care so much for a frickin football game. I unplug my curling iron and take a step back to look at myself in the mirror. "Great." I mumble while touching my neck. It looks like I have a family of hickeys. Luckily my hair pretty much covers it. I grab my phone and head out the door before walking to the school. When I get there the bleachers are pretty much full with hundreds off students and staff supporting the team. I don't know why I put myself in situations I know I will hate. Public gathering are definitely not my favorite.

The game went great and our team won. Noah and Brent played great I couldn't be more proud of them. I feel like I proud mom.  I began to make my way to the field when a tall body stepped in front of me. I looked up and made direct eye contact with the one, the only, wait for it, Asher.

"Hey Nerd I missed you today in home ec class."He said with his signature smirk. I rolled my eyes before trying to step around him which didn't work.

"Oh please Asher, just leave me alone." I said getting angrier and angrier.

"Well then miss grouchy pants I just wanted to talk about our project that's worth half of our grade. But considering you want me to leave you alone, I guess you can be a single mom and take care of Gertrude by yourself." I crinkle my nose.

"Who the fuck is Gertrude?" I ask obviously done with his bullshit.

"Our robot child. She obviously got her genes from you because she looks all sorts of fucked up." Well that hurt. Nows my chance. Especially if I need to take care of a baby with him.

"Asher what the hell did I do to you that could possibly make you be such a dick to you." I asked quietly scared of his reaction. His eyes flashed with sympathy before immediately going back to rage and anger.

"Well for starters your annoying, you get special treatment which is probably why you pass, I mean you could never come to school and nobody will care but I Come five minutes late and I get fucking written up. Oh and your a spoiled rich kid. I mean honestly, you can go out whenever you want, mommy and daddy let you live by your self at the age of 16 and-"

"Go ahead what else do you want to say." I cut him off feeling brave. He is surprised but smirks.

"Well you are also in mannered and rude for always cutting me off." He replies calmly trying to get me mad. As tears threaten to pour from my eyes I shake my head and look at him.

"You really don't know me do you."I say as my voice cracks. He looks at me with confusion written all over his face before crossing his arms over his chest and continuing.

"Why don't you tell me something about yourself then." He challenges. I shake my head and walk away towards Brent and Noah. There is no way I'm wasting my Friday night trying to covince Asher to be nice to me. I honestly rather die.

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