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"Thank you guys again for throwing the party. It really means a lot to me." I say gratefully as everyone leaves my house. I hug each of my friends as they walk out the door leaving me home alone. I walk into the kitchen and sigh when I see leftover cake. Usually on my birthday we give the leftovers to Brent and Noah. I was about to throw it away when I realized I can't. I can't throw away all my memories with them. I grab my phone and check Find My Friends to make sure Asher wasn't with Them. After confirming I grab the cake and head out of my house. I begin walking down the road not really sure if this is a good idea. Don't chicken out Cassidy. You can do this. Believe in yourself. I talk my self up as I approach Noah's front door. I go over everything in my head before knocking on the door.

Brent's POV:

" she really is going to forgive us?" I ask skeptically.

"Maybe. Just not right now. Which I understand. We were complete dicks-" knock knock knock. Noah and I both look at each other as we hear three gentle taps on the front door. We shrug and stand up.
"It's probably the pizza we ordered." Noah says while reaching for the door knob and turning it. We open the door to reveal...

Cassidy's POV:

"Cassidy?" Brent asks confused. I send them a small smile before extending my arms with the cake in it.

"Cake?" I ask them and watch as their eyes light up and smiles take over their faces. Brent extends his arms and I walk into his embrace.

"You didn't forget our tradition." I shake my head.

"No matter how mad I am at you guys, I realize I can't forget and block out the memories we made over the past so many years. I'm not saying I forgive you, cuz I'm still very, VERY pissed off at you guys. But I still love you guys and want y'all to know that." I say quickly trying to get everything out before I cry. They both nod their heads.

"We understand Cassidy. We fucked up big time. I'm just happy you're talking to us. But please stay out of trouble. Oh and don't replace us with your new boy toys. I can read you like a book Cassidy Rivers." Brent says causing me to chuckle.

"They are just really good friends. They were there for me when I needed someone. Like I said, I'm pissed, but I could never replace you guys."

"Does the same go for Asher." Noah asks. I can hear the hopeful tone in his voice. My smile falls and I immediately shake my head no.

"No. After everything he's done to me I was stupid to even be his friend. This just proved to me that I can't trust him. To be honest it sucks and I feel like I want to die, but I have good people in my life and I don't need him." I say confidently, not only trying to convince them, but trying to convince myself as well. They nod with sad looks on their faces.

"You know he's sorry Cassidy? He has been beating himself up over this."

"Of course I know. You don't think I've been going crazy the last week?" I yell. "Hell if Tony didn't come into my life I probably would be dead by now." I say before quickly covering my mouth. Is that true? Would I have killed myself if it weren't for Tony? I look at Noah and Brent's horrified faces before quickly turning around. Only to be frozen in place when I make eye contact with a set of crystal blue eyes. Why god? Why must you do this to me? He also looks horrified. Why are they all so surprised? They know my track record. I hear a voice from behind me and turn to face Noah who is approaching me slowly.

"After all of these years. I never thought that I'D be the one to hurt you. I'm so sorry Cass."I shake my head and begin to walk away. I don't walk in the direction of my house because I need to see Tony and my friends. I walk in the direction of Tony's house before an all to familiar deep voice from behind me makes me stop in my tracks.

"YOU LOVE HIM DON'T YOU?" Asher yells to me from about 30 feet away. I snap around and look him in the eyes before nodding.

"Yea I do. Just like I love all of my new friends and USED to love you." I shout back before running to Tony's house. I knock on the door and he immediately opens it and notices my appearance.

"Cass, what happened?" He says pulling me into  a hug. I can hear all my friends walking towards us asking the same question. I shake my head.

"I ended it. I ended any chance of talking to them again." Those words passing my lips made the crying worse. Tony rubs  my back before walking me outside with everyone else.

"Guys we are going to the dinner you take your individual cars because tonight is going to be long and fun." Tony announces everyone nods and goes to their cars. Tony grabs my hand and pulls me onto the back of his bike. As I wrap my arms around his waist I look down the street to Noah's house and see all three of the, staring on our direction. I choose to ignore their glares as the Gang pulls away and goes in the direction of the Diner. I need a milkshake.

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