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"Alright Guys I have good news and bad news." Luke says walking into the living room.

"What is it?"

"So I just got off the phone with the realtor, and he said the house is our." Everyone hugged and cheered.
"Buuuuutttt, we have to be there to sign the papers and get the keys in three days or we don't get it. So I got plane tickets for the morning after tomorrow so we have today and tomorrow to pack and tell families." As Luke spoke I realized something. What do I do with this house? I can't sell it because that would be way to hard? But I can't just leave it? I also only have a day to decide! Everyone left my house to pack and tell their families. I go to my room and pack anything I need since I don't heave anyone to tell. Wait.. SHIT! I need to tell Tommy! HE DOESNY EVEN KNOW IM PREGNANT! Well it looks like I know what I will be doing today. I put on my shoes and walk out of my door and walking down the street towards Tommy and his family's house. I walk up to the door and knock three times before stepping back and waiting for the door to open. Soon enough the door swings open to reveal Tommy's mom.

"Oh! Cassidy how nice!" She says pulling me into a hug.
"Come in. I'm assuming your here to see Tommy?"

"Yeah I actually have something in need to tell you guys."

"Alright I'll go get him." She walks away and a few seconds later comes back with Tommy.

"Hey Cass. How was your trip?" He asks giving me a quick hug.

"Good. That actually what I wanted to talk to you about." He raises a curious eyebrow.
"Well, we really enjoyed Florida and we thought that since we aren't going to college that we would move there. It temporary. We are going to be there for a year and then decide what we want to do." I speak quick.

"Wow. So your really not going to be down the street?" I nod.
"Um Okay well I'm happy for you. You know having fun and everything."

"Thank you Tommy it means a lot. Um, do you want to come over and help me pack. I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever." He nods and we walk to my house. Once we arrive we walk up to my bedroom and begin placing clothes in cardboard boxes.

"So, what are you going to do with the house?" Tommy asks. I shrug.

"I don't know. I am not selling it. I don't want to rent it to a random person. But I can't just leave it here for a year." Then it hits me.
"Wait, why don't you move in here?" Tommy looks up from what he was doing.


"Yeah. Your getting older and instead of having to live with your parents and sister, you can be on your own. But you are also close enough to home if you need something." He looks up like he is thinking.

"Sure. That sounds great." He says with a smile. We continue talking while packing. I bring a bag of stuff over to my suitcase. I open the suitcase to find clothes from our trip and a shoe box. Shit!

"Um Tommy, there's actually something else I have to tell you." I say placing the shoebox on my bed where I pulled Tommy to sit down. I stood right in front of him and fiddled with my fingers.

"What's wrong Cassidy?" I sigh.

"Um. Well, a week and a half ago I was really really sick. I just didn't feel like myself. I told Riley and Laila and they took me to the doctor where I found out, um , I-I'm pregnant." I watch as his eyes widen and face flushes.

"R-really?" I nod.
"Holy shit. Um, wow! I-i don't know what to say." I close my eyes stopping the tears from falling.
"No! Don't cry Cass, it's okay, I'm not mad. Im just surprised. This is so weird. Are you happy? Does Asher know? He is the father right? Oh god Cassidy please tell me Asher is the father." I laugh at his panicking.

"Asher is the father and we both are actually happy. I mean it definitely wasn't planned and we are terrified but it's also exciting." He nods and pulls me into a hug.

"Congratulations Cass. Your parents and Ethan would be so proud of you." I smile at the thought and we pull away and continue talking about the future.
"Are you guys getting married?"

"No, not any time soon at least. I obviously want to eventually but I want to wait. I'm only 18 and although I'm having a baby I don't want to get married yet. People change after they have a kid, and I know Asher isn't like that but still, I just want to focus on the baby at this point and not a wedding."

"I'm happy you know what you want Cass. That's important. What about the house?"

"We have the lease for a year. The baby will be here by the time the lease is up so we will see where we want to go from there when the time comes. But for now, I think it's important we have our friends with us to help."

"Do you know the gender?" He asks excitedly causing me to laugh.

"Not yet, I'm only one month pregnant. We have to wait three more months. I promise I will tell you as soon as I find out."he nods in satisfaction.

"You better. God it's so weird. You're really going to have a baby! That's crazy!"

"I know." Trust me. I KNOW.

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