Ch 2. Is Monday the worst?

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Monday part 2.

(Just so you know MBH stands for Must Be High, it'll make since when you read it.)

(Y/N's perspective.)

● ♥ ● ♥ ●Last time● ♥ ● ♥ ●

After all our classes Bella and I walked to the..... Music room 3? I thought we were going to the host club? I wispered to myself, as Bella pushed open the double doors to the music room. I was shocked, it was so? bright? and... interesting? And right in front of us was...

To be continued.

And right in front of us was... seven guys standing in middle of the door way with rose petals falling to the ground. From left to right the guys that where standing there were, The Practically Blind Raven from my class, I think his name was Kyoya? He's holding a purple rose.

Then there were two boys who looked exactly alike, I could only assume they were the 'infamous' Hitachiin twins. The first one had a light blue rose, while the other had a orange rose.

Standing tall in the center was Mr. Blondie Smiles holding a white rose, his name was Tomayki, Tomayukki, or something, I never bothered remembering, he always seemed to energetic for me.

Standing to the right of Blondie, was a boy? Who was holding a classic red rose.

Then there was another smaller boy with blond hair holding a pink bunny and a pink rose... Wait a second.. He looks like Mitsukuni Haninozuka? That can't be him, right? He comes from a family of world famous martial artists, if I'm not mistaken. Standing behind him, a very tall, very.. handsome, raven haired boy, probably around 6ft 2in tall, give or take. He's holding a dark blue rose. I'm around 5ft 9in tall, and for a girl that's not common, so I'm not really used to being significantly shorter than anyone, it feels odd being shorter than him.

"Hello, ladies." Blondie Smiles started, "welcome to the host club." they all said in unison. Then one by one they introduce themselves. "I'm Kyoya Ootori, I'm the cool type." Raven said while pushing up his glasses.

"I'm Hikaru Hitachiin," the twin holding the light blue rose started "and I'm Kaoru Hitachiin," the one with the orange rose said "and we're the devil type." they finished together.

"I of course, am TAMAKI SOUH. Your prince in shining armour." Mr. Blondie said standing in a superhero pose, while I rolled my eyes already getting tired of his antics.

"I'm Haruhi Fujioka, I'm the neutral type." the questionable looking 'boy' said.

"I'm Mitsukuni Haninozuka, but you can call me 'Honey' and this is Takashi Morinozuka, you can call him Mori" Honey said pointing at Mori "I'm the Cute type! And Takashi is the Serious type." He said the word serious while making a mean face, then laughs.

Mori looks at Honey with a sense of immusment, then his gaze turns to me. He looks at me as if I've been staring, but even if I was it wouldn't have been more than a few seconds. Unless, he's really looking at me with curiosity? But how would I make him curious? We lock eyes for a split second before Mr. Smiles starts talking.

"Hi Bella, how are you? And you're Y/N L/N, right? You're in the same class as me and Kyoya. Your father, is my father's lawyer I believe." Mr. Smiles says to me and Bella.

"Yes, that would be me." I said taking my eyes off Mori to look at Mr. MBH.

"This is your first time at the host club, is it not?" Glasses ask me, already knowing the answer, "Yes, it is her first time here." Bella answers for me, "I suppose, Y/N can be seated with you and which ever host you choose today, to get her comfortable." Kyoya suggest to Bella, "I think that would be a good idea." Bella says.

"In that case, who will it be today? I believe you normally sit with Hikaru and Kaoru, yes?" Kyoya says

"Yes, but I think that'd be quite a lot for Y/N at the moment. Could we sit with Honey and Mori for today?" Bella asked. "As you wish." Kyoya says before him, and the other host club members go back to their table as well as what they were doing.

Leaving me alone with Bella, Honey and Mori.

●•●•●•●To Be Continued●•●•●•●

(733 words)

A/N ; Hey guys! I hope you've liked this. I know I haven't updated in a while, but it happens sometimes. As always please tell me what you think of this in the comments, your support is appreciated. Love you all, bye bye.

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