Chapter 2

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Your POV
The ride wasn't that long. It took only 10 minutes to get there. Once me and B/n got thete we saw students on both sides glaring at someone and muttering "his dad ruins everthing." I knew who they were referring to. "Lloyd Garmadon" I whispered to b/n. He nodded in agreement. I got out the car, so did b/n. He came around and gave his final words before I go off. "Hey just remember sis call me on your.." He then started whispering to me " crystal pas on your dress." My eyes opened in shocked. "How did you-" he then cutted me off."how did I know. This was in our family for generations. Mom even had it and kept it from dad until he figured it out later. Anyways you should get going." B/n said giving me a hug "and good luck.'' He said before going back in the car and driving off. I waved him good-bye. Then I turned around, taking a deep breath and said to myself "well y/n welcome to ninjago highschool. Lets do this." Then walking on to the new school. People were chatting and playing games. Until all eyes landed on me but I kept moving I didn't care if people we staring. I just want to get in here and get out here. I opened the doors and even more eyes were staring but I kept moving. I turned right hallway then I made contact with green eyes and they made contact with my eyes. But I kept walking then I walked past those eyes cuz I knew who they belong to.... Lloyd Garmadon.

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