Chapter 4

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3rd POV
Before y/n and Lloyd flew off they both noticed one of the henchmen pushing a school bus off the side of a highway. It started falling, thankfully y/n slowed it down with her vines and Lloyd grabbed with the claws on his dragon mech and landed it safely. "Thank you green ninja and new girl" a kid on the bus said. Lloyd saluted him "and call me starlight" y/n said. Then Kai reminded them about their mission. "Hey Lloyd your dad I mean Garmadon is almost at the mayor's office" Kai reminded. "We're on it" Lloyd responded. Both y/n and Lloyd returned to go stop Garmadon. "Ah ha ha ha" Garmadon laughed. "We got you surrounded Garmadon" Lloyd said. "To slow green ninja" Garmadon replied then ran off with his shark mech. Lloyd followed him. "You can't catch me" Garmadon said. "Where am I? Am I over here" Garmadon questioned. "Or am I over there?" Garmadon said again. Y/n tapped his shoulder and pointed where the tail of Garmadons shark mech is showing. "You are literally right behind that building. We see your shark tail sticking out" Lloyd said. "Oh right, got that" Garmadon replied then went into another hiding spot. How can he be an evil warlord when he is really dumb y/n thought. "Where is Garmadon now?" Garmadon questioned again. "Am I over here-here-here? Are am I over there-there-there? Its like a house of mirrors here" Garmadon said. "Do you think your hiding right now? Do you actually think we can't see you?" Y/n asked. Who is that person Garmadon questioned. "Well if you can see me then you should shoot me" Garmadon said. Lloyd actually did it but only with one missle. "Ow!" Garmadon yelled. "You almost hit me in my kidney" Garmadon running off.

Y/n's POV
"Why do you want to conquer Ninjago so badly" Lloyd questioned. Yes I knew his identity now because the other ninja forget I was here so now I know all their identities. Lloyd is the green ninja, Nya is the water ninja, Kai fire ninja, Cole earth ninja, Jay lightning ninja and Zane is the ice ninja. "Because there's something very, very special here" Garmadon said. "What?" Lloyd said. "I'm going to let the walls down for a second green ninja and new girly" Gar Garmadon started "go on" Lloyd said. "About 16 years ago I lost something I should have never given up." Garmadon said. Here we go. The special moment I thought. "W-what is it? Spit it out. It's ok you can say it" Lloyd said stuttering trying not make it obvious that he cares. He is cute when he stutters I thought. Wait do I like him. He is so hot and cute and.. yep definitely have a crush on him I thought. "I had this guitar in college. And I traded it stupidly for like a jacket or something like that" Garmadon said. "That's what your referring to?" Lloyd questioned. "Yeah, what else would I be referring to?" Garmadon said. "I don't know, maybe something else think about it" Lloyd suggested. "No" Garmadon answered. "Are you sure that there aren't any other sort of connection you have to city? Nothing?" Lloyd asked. "There is someone. In the city I love very much." Garmadon said. Meanwhile I was opening a mind connection with Lloyd and using my powers to wrap vines around the legs of the shark mech so he can't escape. I then heard Lloyd starting to yell shut up louder and louder. He pressed a button and I heard his mech computer say "Mega missile mode" Oh no I thought then a bunch of missiles started coming out of the mech and shooting at Garmadon and his mech with a lot of power. We both flew out of tge smokey area to see most of the area Garmadon was standing in destroyed. "Woah" I said out loud. I heard Lloyd panting. I touched hus shoulder. He tensed a little then relax. "What was that Lloyd? Are you ok?" I asked.

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