Chapter 1- The Beginning

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This is my first ever fan fiction so I will take notes for the future. In this fanfic the demiwizards are Draco the son of Apollo, Hermione the daughter of Hecate, Neville son of Athena and Luna daughter of Hephaestus. Greek/ Latin is like this.

Chapter 1
Hermione POV
It was the second giant war and Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter were battling fiercely and Hermione Granger, daughter of Hecate was fighting and destroying monsters with her celestial bronze dagger. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a Cyclops pierce Madison (Hermione's best friend) through the heart with an imperial gold sword. Nightmare ends

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I woke up screaming in agony,lying in a pool of my own blood, flowing from re-opened wounds. I heard a pattering of footsteps coming from the floor above. The door to my room flung open and Harry and Ron stood in the doorway their faces in frozen with shock. "What the bloody hell happened to you??" Ron asked "Nothing." I replied. " Really?" Harry frowned.
"I'M FINE!" I screeched slamming the door shut.

Through the door I heard Ron mutter to Harry, "Blimey, she's changed since the summer. She's still not told us what happened when she was away." After a few minutes, I calmed down and whispered " Oh, Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering and show me Draco Malfoy at Camp Half-Blood " The air in front of me shimmered and an image of Draco appeared his tanned skin shimmering in the morning sun.

"Draco" I whispered. He turned around, at first with a grin and, when seeing my appearance, a frown. " What happened, another nightmare?" He asked with concern. I nodded, the tears rolling down my cheeks. " It doesn't matter, we'll be seeing each other in a week and a half. Coz I'm guessing that you are going back this year."Draco comforted. I nodded, sniffed and said. " The whole school would be in shock if the great Hermione Granger didn't go back to school for another year.". The sound of Mrs Weasley calling up the stairs was my cue to go.

I swiped through the IM, grabbed her wand from the bedside table and muttered the incantation Tergeo to remove the blood from my clothes. I then ran downstairs to see the rest of the Weasleys already sat at the table. Mrs Weasley turned and said "My dear, we hear your screaming, was it a nightmare?" I nodded my skin pale as I shakily sat down next to Fred (who's lower right leg was blown off along with a wall).( A/N i kept Fred and Snape alive. I couldn't let Fred die and i have plans for Snape's use in the story.) As I began to eat, my only thought was, "I can't wait to see Draco, Luna and Neville again"

Nico POV

"Sooo. Let me get this straight." I started." You want me,Will,Hazel and Frank go to this Hogwarts place and protect this Potter kid in case an evil wizard named Voldemort comes back to life?" Chiron nodded " That just about sums it up Nico." " When do we leave?" Hazel asked "and how are we going to be able to do magic?" Chiron just smiled and nodded at the doorway. The 4 demigods spun round to see Hecate, the goddess of magic. " Hello Demigods. To make it more believable that you are wizards and witches, I have blessed you all with the knowledge of a 17 year-old wizard." Hecate began. At this point Will interrupted and said " But Frank's the only 17 year old here." "I know and that is why I am going to make Nico and Hazel age up to the age of 17 to fit in as you can easily pass as 17. Now, you may want to sit down as once I age you,your body may go into minor shock from the sudden ageing." Hazel and I sat down. " Oh, and one more thing, all the equipment you need is on your bunk" Hecate raised her hands and a glowing light engulfed Hazel and I. The last thing I saw was Will's worried face above me before promptly passing out.

When I awoke it was to the sound of someone banging on the door to my cabin. Rolling over I saw Hazel sitting on one of the other bunks smiling at him. "That must be Will and Frank, we are leaving in 5 minutes." I jumped up "CRAP! I've not packed." Hazel said with a grin on her face." It's OK, Will packed for you so just grab your bag, we need to shadow travel to England once your dressed." She stood and it was only then that I noticed the slight changes in my sister. She was taller and her hair was longer, almost reaching her waist. Once I glanced down at myself, I noticed that I too was taller and my hair was now reaching my shoulders as if I hadn't cut it for 3 years. 5 minutes later Will,Hazel,Frank and I were stood atop Half-Blood Hill, preparing to shadow travel to Platform 9 3/4. After a few moments, the 4 of us and our belongings faded into the shadow of Thalia's tree.

Luna POV

It was the first of September and this year I had decided to remove my glamour, returning to Hogwarts with my short black hair, receiving some strange looks from some of the other students. The Giant war had scarred me for life, The Battle of Hogwarts was nothing, I had fought in the Titan war at the age of 15 and the only person who mattered to me that died was my brother Beckendorf, in the Battle of Hogwarts some of my friends were killed,yes, but no family was.

The Giant war however, I saw my step-father die right in front of my eyes, his body mangled from being trampled on by hundreds of monsters, not only that I saw my brother Leo ( the only other fire user in existence) get blown up into pieces. I now wore a black leather jacket with ripped jeans and on my forearm, my SPQR tattoo stay dark and gloomy- I had stayed at Camp Jupiter for the summer and any demigod that fought on either side of the war that went to Camp Jupiter had a choice to be branded or not- I also had dark silver eye shadow on that glistened in the sun.

I hadn't told any of the other demiwizards what happened to my step-dad, so i'm sure they will be shocked when the see me. Who cares anyway, its not like they can be my best friends in public, especially not Draco.

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