Chapter 3- The Sorting

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                                                                                       Nico POV
After 7 excruciatingly painful hours on the train with 6 ADHD demigods, the train stopped and we all climbed out. Ron and Harry had their robes on  but Hermione had a dark grey shirt with dark jeans, Neville had a denim jacket, with his CHB necklace, Luna had her leather jacket with jeans, Draco had a navy blue long sleeved shirt and he had a tired look in his eyes like he hadn't slept for days.
The 10 of us walked towards the carriage when I stopped seeing the thestrals that pulled the carriages. Suddenly, a voice echoed in his head."Hello Master, it is a pleasure to meet you at last. I am called Shadow."  The thestral bowed to me, causing Harry and Ron to stare at me." It is a pleasure to meet you too but please, don't call me Master." The thestral replied with," Absolutely Boss. Is there a chance you have any donuts?"  I groaned," No I don't have any donuts." " It's another Blackjack!!" The demigods burst out laughing, we had all heard Percy complaining about Blackjack's obsession with donuts.
Ron and Harry just looked at us in confusion. " You can see thestrals?" Ron asked," because they can only be seen by people who have seen death." A mood came over the group,the laughing stopped and the 8 of us sat in the cart with Harry and Ron and we were taken to Hogwarts.
We were the last people in the hall so everyone was watching when we came in. All but us 4 'exchange students ' sat down at their respective tables. It was clear that the students were expecting Professor McGonagall (the headmistress) to tell them off for not wearing the robes but she didn't say a thing as I had told her that Hermione,Neville, Luna and Draco had helped in the war in America. Being ADHD, us demigods zoned out until Professor McGonagall said "... and please welcome our exchange students who are now needed to be sorted. First we have Zhang, Frank"
                                                                                 Frank POV
I walked over to the stool and let the hat be placed on my head. (A/N the hat is in Bold  the person is underlined)
Oh, a demigod, son of Mars and legacy of Poseidon.
What are you going to do?
Just look into your memories. Oh my! Trained with Lupa, nearly died saving Thanatos,defeated multiple giants, was one of the 7 in the prophecy. I know the perfect place for you, it is GRYFFINDOR!!!
One of the tables applauded and I went to sit down. And.. " Solace, William"
                                                                                      Will POV
I walked up to the stool.
A son of Apollo, No music skill but excellent healing. Nearly died saving comrades...
What are you doing?
Just looking through your memories. Ah, it will be GRYFFINDOR!
I sat next to Frank and then it was " Levesque, Hazel"
                                                                                      Hazel POV
The hat was placed on my head and..
There are more of you? A daughter of Pluto?
What are you going to do?
Ahh, died preventing the rise of a giant, turned down Elysium so that mother wouldn't go to the Fields of Punishment. Came back to life, went on a quest even though you may have died on it, one of the 7 and learned to manipulate the Mist. Knew of Leo's sacrifice and that is why you should be a GRYFFINDOR!!
I sat next to Frank and Will and waited for Nico to sorted.
                                                                                         Nico POV
The whole hall was stunned. It was clear what they were thinking. They were thinking 'how has he been through more than the boy-who-lived?'
                                                                                        Harry POV
What did the hat mean? And when they all sat down before they started eating, they burnt part of their food and then Hermione and Neville burned their food and Luna and Draco came over, burned their food and sat next to them. Again, McGonagall said nothing . Ron, probably trying to start a conversation said " Who are Madison, Lily, Leo, Jacob and the other people you mentioned?" At this the exchange students, Hermione, Neville, Luna and Draco stood up and Draco had tears rolling down his cheeks. He ran out of the room, the exchange students and Luna following him. Hermione and Neville, with their eyes filled with tears glared at Ron and me,Hermione hissing, " NEVER! I repeat NEVER say their names again!" She rushed out of the hall, Neville at her heels, both ignoring the hundreds of people watching.

Once they left,muttering started up saying things like: 

 " Was the girl with the short hair LUNA!?" and "They look different." "They looked broken, all 8 of them." and I couldn't help but agree.

A/N I need an enemy but not sure who it should be. Suggestions if possible, please.

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