Dally x Cherry (What really happened)

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(Cherry's POV)

My relationship with Bob had never been great. When I first met him he seemed lovable enough. He had a good sense of humor and things were never to heavy with him. Although he'd pressured me multiple times, I'd never done anything like that with him. I just didn't feel like Bob was the right one. And then he showed me the other side of him. The side where he gets drunk, forces himself on me, and eventually either slaps me or goes home angry as hell. I know I shouldn't stay with him, but the history we have is a hard thing to let go of. I mean not only that but I'm afraid of what he might do I if I finally get the guts to break up with him.  Randy was Marcia's boyfriend, and Bob's best friend. Marcia and Randy had basically the same relationship as Bob and I, so it kind of brought us together. Originally we had gone to a drive in on the other side of town with them, but we found out that they had brought booze. I mean, it's not like it wasn't obvious. Randy tried to make a move on Marcia in the backseat of the car! Eventually we told them to either put the booze away or we'd leave, to which they got angry and left themselves. Leaving me and Marcia at the drive in by ourselves. We weren't too bothered by it, but we didn't have a way to get home. We just decided we'd call our parents to come get us after the movie was over. We sat down in some chairs by the concession stand to watch the movie, and that's how we got to where we are now. 

Marcia and I were watching the movie, still a bit frazzled from what had gone down with Randy and Bob, but used to it. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a few greasers heading over to some chairs to sit down, nobody else was there. I wasn't really paying attention to where they were, until one of them sat right down behind us and started talking. 

"How can I find out if you're a real redhead?" He said in my ear. I turned back towards him to get a good look at who exactly was saying all this, and saw just about the hottest guy I'd seen in my life. He smirked back at me.

I turned to Marcia to see her giggling at me. She leaned close to my ear.

"He's hot isn't he?" I gave her a disapproving look.

"I know I'm sorry, just say the word and we can leave." I nodded.

"How can I, uh find out if this is the same red hair on your uh..."

"Oh cut it out Dally." said one of the younger looking ones, who had accompanied him in sitting behind us.

"On your uh...eyebrows." He said while brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear. I flinched slightly at his touch, only because I didn't expect it. I realized what he meant and my face flushed about a hundred shades darker than usual. He noticed and laughed. He smirked back at me. It was safe to say that I was thoroughly embarrassed. He stood up and sat right by me, which only embarrassed me even more. It's not that I didn't like him, I just didn't know how to respond. 

"Seriously though, how can I?" He asked all innocently while pulling out a smoke and lighting it. I looked over at him and studied his face, he gazed back at me with that same strange innocent smirk. I already had enough problems with Bob, I knew I shouldn't be getting into anything with a greaser like him. He only wanted one thing, and I'm a virgin!

"You can't." I said, trying to look impassive while I stared back at the screen of the movie. Even though I was going for impassive, he could still tell how embarrassed I was by his previous comment. 

"Ah, come on," he said while taking a drag off of the cigarette and smoothly putting his arm around my shoulder. There was something about him, that just made me want to please him, to be everything he wants. But I had to refuse. I wasn't going to lose my virginity to some greaser who would probably forget my name the next day. He leaned in closer to my ear.

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