Dally x Reader (Walked in on pt. 3)

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"You didn't cum did you? Finish. I want to see." Whoa what? No, I couldn't. I shook my head, trying to find the words. He chuckled a little, understanding.

"Dal I couldn't." I said quietly.

"You couldn't? Or won't?" He asked, Dally was too cocky for his own good.

"That is so embarrassing, no." I said tightening my grip around the blanket, the only thing shielding me from his invasive eyes.

He wore that smirk on his face like a medal.

"Then let me do it."


I stared at him skeptically. Trying to process his words was proving to be quite a challenge while rather filthy images occupied my mind. 

His dark eyes seemed to burn through me, silently undressing me, raking up and down my body. He leaned patiently against the door frame, waiting for me to get my words together...still wearing that infamous smirk of his. 

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. Fine. If he was going to be like that so was I. I steadied my features and moved to slip my shirt back on when Dally's hand swooped in and took it before I even had the chance. I scowled, not particularly upset with him, but flustered at the lack of control I had in this situation.

I huffed, avoiding his gaze.

"I don't know what you mean." I told him, my chin held high. Part of me liked the banter, challenging him to take what he wanted. But part of me was nervous, unsure of myself. He laughed.

'Yes you do, baby.' he said, cocking his head to the side slightly, his eyes dark. Suddenly his strong fingers gripped the corner of the blanket that was pinched every so slightly between my hands. The only thing separating his greedy eyes from my nakedness. The slight pressure I felt on the blanket was his signal, for permission. 

It was a split second decision, allowing him to peel the blanket from me, baring my breasts to his lustful gaze. They widened slightly, his eyes, most likely surprised at my submission. He dropped the blanket, his fingers instead brushing the back of my hand. My breath hitched as he slowly dragged his fingers up my arm, my heart skipping a beat as they rested on my collar bone. 

Suddenly his lips were on mine. His fingers sliding softly around my neck, holding my face up to his. He tasted of cigarettes and sex, causing me to become even more slick with desire, if that was even possible. The kiss faltered for a moment as he laid me down, holding his weight up on a knee beside me. He tossed the shirt still clutched in his hand across the room, instead gently placing it on my breast, cupping it. My arms around his neck tightened as he did so, his thumb gently brushing my nipple. A shiver coursed through me, pure pleasure radiating through my body as our lips moved together. Suddenly he broke apart from me, panting heavily.

'I've always known you wanted me.' He said with a smirk. My cheeks somehow flushed redder than they already were. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, I was at a loss. He was right of course. I frowned as he sat up, eager for him to continue. My eyes widened as he peeled of his T shirt, revealing his lean muscular torso. God he's beautiful. 

I inhaled sharply as he glanced down at what was still in his hand. Was he really going to use it? He wouldn't, would he? 

'Do your brother's know you think of me when you touch yourself?' he asked, that smirk back on his face? 

'I- You-...' I stuttered, the blush creeping down my neck as he spoke. He chuckled.

'Of course they don't, I'm the only one who ever noticed the way you look at me.' He said, his eyes drifting down my body. The way I look at him?? How do I look at him? I opened my mouth to speak but he interrupted. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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