Darry x reader (Morning Wood)

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I had opened my eyes to see the sunlight streaming in through the window. I rolled over and rubbed my eyes, yawning. I glanced over at my boyfriend Darry to see him snoring into his pillow. It was a Saturday, and what felt to be the first time in months, Darry had a day off. He was always so stressed, and days off were rare. 

I looked at him for awhile, just studying his features. He looked so peaceful and stress free in his sleep. I closed my eyes for another second and shifted my elbow over my eyes, stretching. Darry stirred, and I could tell he was awake. 

"Good morning," I said with a smile. Darry just groaned and wrapped his arms around me, his face in the crook of my neck. I giggled. He pressed his lips into my neck and peppered my skin with kisses. He then unwrapped himself from me and stretched, the sheets falling off of him. Darry only slept in boxers, and I usually just wore a big shirt and panties.

As the sheets fell off of Darry's waist I noticed his morning wood. I smiled to myself. This was definitely the way to start the day off right, we both needed it. I reached over and traced my fingertips along along his abs, hooking my fingers in his waistband. He looked over at me a little taken aback, I wasn't normally the one to start anything. I leaned forward and kissed him, slowly and passionately. He finally recovered and pulled me to him, our bodies flush against each other. The kiss began to get heated and I could feel Darry's hardness against my thigh. 

I reached down between us and palmed him through his boxers, eliciting a quiet moan from him. I pulled away, both of us panting, and tugged his boxers down. Discarding them onto the floor somewhere, I grasped his length in my hand. Darry laid back on the bed, exhaling harshly. I began to pump a few times, drawing more moans out of him. The sight of him like that turned me on so much. I could tell he was about to cum and began to pump faster.

"Y/n wait, I don't wanna come yet." Darry said as he sat up. He pulled me to him and and we started to kiss again. This time it was more of a heated kiss, filled with need and want and lust, the passionate kind. He flipped me over onto my back and grasped my wrists, holding my arms out in a T. I giggled as he trailed kisses down my neck. He stopped for a second and released my arms so he could pull my shirt off revealing my bare chest. He kissed and sucked the tops of my breasts, peppering kisses carelessly, he knew better than to leave hickeys, the rest of the gang would tease us mercilessly. 

He moved down across my body, leaving more kisses, until he got to my panties. Sliding them down my legs, he kissed the line on my torso where my pubic hair began. 

I laid my head back and moaned, Darry always loved when I made noise. He ran his fingers over my heat and slowly inserted a long finger. I moaned louder as he pumped, gradually adding a second finger. Just as I was about to reach my high, he stopped. 

"Ah, Darry" I whined. He chuckled and sat up.

"I know baby," He said.

He reached for a condom from the nightstand and rolled it down onto his length and positioned himself on top of me. He guided himself to my entrance and ran the tip over my wet slit. I hissed as it made contact with my clit, the pleasure almost unbearable. I squirmed and grasped the sheets. I knew Darry could sense my impatience, he was always one to tease.

"Darry please!" I whined. Finally he obliged and lined himself up with my entrance, slowly penetrating me. I moaned softly.  He gave me a second to adjust to his size before he started moving. He supported himself on his hands, leaning over me while I grasped his back. Clinging to his muscles as pleasure overtook my senses.

He kissed me feverishly, dominantly,  as his pace quickened, pounding into me. I could feel myself building, still not quite there but close. His hand moved to my breast grasping me as the bed creaked. The pleasure was almost to much and Darry could tell I was close. 

He brought his thumb to my clit and rubbed lazy circles making me cry out in pleasure. 

"Ah, Darry I'm close" I cried out, his pace getting faster and faster. 

He peppered soft kisses along my face. He shifted onto his elbows so I could feel his weight on me, holding me down. I could barely contain the pleasure and before I knew it I was convulsing, my body stiffened. My walls spasming around his cock triggered his own orgasm. I could feel his body go rigid as he pounded into me,

"Fuck, y/n," he called out, stilling as he emptied himself into the condom. 

We stayed like that for a second. Him inside me as we panted, recovering from our orgasms. He leaned down and kissed my lips sweetly before pulling out. 

After tying the condom and throwing it in the trash he flopped down onto the bed next to me, pulling me into his arms. My head rested in the crook of his neck. We stayed like that for awhile, wrapped in each other's arms, gloriously naked. 

"I love you Darry." I murmured into his shoulder.

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