Dally x reader (Walked in on pt. 1)

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The Curtis household on a Saturday was never quiet. There was always people coming and going. Johnny coming to find Ponyboy, or Dally looking for someone to stir up trouble with. Darry was the exception of course, he almost never had a day off. Even Soda and Steve would be home most days.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Two bit was watching TV and Soda and Steve were sitting on the couch arguing about something. 

I'd woken up late today, heart racing, recovering from a very scandalous dream about none other than Dallas Winston. I had had a crush on Dally for as long as I can remember. I hadn't told anyone about it though, my brothers would kill me. 

I can't remember the plot exactly but I could remember the vivid feeling of his hands roaming my body, his fingers inside me, pumping me slowly. 

Soda ended up waking me from the dream before the good part came, leaving me tiringly horny for the rest of the day. 

I grabbed a glass out of the cabinet and filled it up with tap water, annoyed. Just annoyed at life. Annoyed at the fact that I'll never be able to have Dally, my brothers would never allow it. Annoyed that Soda woke me up out of the best dream I've ever had. And annoyed that I was uncomfortably needy and couldn't do anything about it because all of the boys were home. 

I mean I could, but I'd just feel weird about doing anything while everyone was home. Someone would come knocking on my door and it would be hard to explain why it was locked when I never locked it. 

I sipped the water, leaning against the counter listening to Soda and Steve bicker. The front door swung open and I turned to peer through the doorway and there he was. All 5 feet and 11 inches of sheer sex appeal. 

He held a cigarette between his fingers, brought it to his lips and took a long drag off it before closing the door all the way. 

"Hey Dal" Soda said absentmindedly. I turned back around and continued to drink my water. I dozed off, staring out the window, just thinking.

"Hey baby" I heard someone say. I turned and saw Dally leaning on the door frame, arms crossed, cigarette between his fingers, looking like a model of course. 

"Hi." I said, setting my glass down and smiling. He took another drag from his cigarette and exhaled.

"So uh, you need something?" I asked a little sarcastically. To be honest I'd do probably do anything for Dally if he asked, but I wasn't going to let him know that obviously.

He frowned,

"What? A guy can't just say hi to a pretty girl?" he asked mockingly. I inhaled a little sharper than normal, I don't think he caught it though. I knew I had it bad.

I laughed a little, taking another sip. 

"No but seriously," he said. "You should come with me to Buck's party tonight, live a little." He said while rolling the cigarette around in his fingers. 

I rolled my eyes, 

"Dally you know I couldn't. The boys would never let me and Darry would throw a fit." He then rolled his eyes,

"You're what, seventeen now? And you let your brothers tell you what you can and can't do?"

"Yeah but my brothers mean a lot to me. And you know they'd come looking for me if they found out and cause a scene." He rolled his eyes, again knowing I was right. 

"Dal come here!" Soda yelled from the living room. Dally strode out of the kitchen to see what Soda wanted. I set the glass in the sink and walked back upstairs. 

I closed the door to my room and flopped onto my bed. I'd never been one to masturbate but there were certain times were it was a necessity, today being one of them. 

I mean I had a lock on my door, and all the boys were downstairs goofing off. It's not like I had to open my door if someone knocked.

Hesitantly I pulled my vibrator out of my bottom nightstand drawer and laid back on my bed, listening for sounds coming from the hall.

Taking a deep breath I pulled my shorts and panties down.

 I pressed the on button and felt the vibrations coursing through my fingers. Pressing it to my clit lightly I moaned. I could feel my insides tightening.

 I was so absorbed in the pleasure I was feeling. The neediness prior was washed away, replaced with pure ecstasy. 

I went slow, wanting to make things last. I added more pressure to my clit, making me squirm. I took a hand and pulled up my T-shirt over my breasts, cupping one of them with my palm. I skimmed my nipple with the pad of my thumb, the sensitivity adding to my pleasure.

I tried to stifle my moans as best I could, heavy breathing wouldn't sound that suspicious right? I closed my eyes, breathing in. I tried not to go too fast, to make things last. 

All of the sudden I heard the door jerk open,

"Hey Y/n we're going to, oh shit." I saw Dally standing in the door, wide eyed.  Holy shit this can't be happening. I sat up, frantically switched the vibrator, and threw a blanket over myself, my face turning beet red. Dally recovered from the shock and started to smirk a little.

He stepped into the room and shut the door quietly. 

"So uh, what were you doing?" He asked, crossing his arms. That son of a bitch knew exactly what I was doing. 

"Dally get out," I stammered. He was still smirking.

"Do you really want me to?" He asked. 

"Dally don't you dare say a word of this to anyone, I swear to God!" 

"Aww, baby, you know I wouldn't." He said, sauntering closer to me. I gazed up at him as he stopped right by the edge of my bed. My heart was beating so fast, I couldn't get a good word out if I wanted to. He reached down and cupped my chin. My breath hitched as he ran his thumb over my bottom lip. 

"They'd ask what happened next."

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