Dally x Reader (Walked in on pt. 2)

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"Dally get out," I stammered. He was still smirking.

"Do you really want me to?" He asked.

"Dally don't you dare say a word of this to anyone, I swear to God!"

"Aww, baby, you know I wouldn't." He said, sauntering closer to me. I gazed up at him as he stopped right by the edge of my bed. My heart was beating so fast, I couldn't get a good word out if I wanted to. He reached down and cupped my chin. My breath hitched as he ran his thumb over my bottom lip.

"They'd ask what happened next."


He let go of my chin suddenly and walked back to my door. For a second I thought he was going to leave until I heard him shout,

"Hey guys go on ahead without me!" before shutting and locking it. I watched him skeptically as he made his way back to my side. The only thing that was covering me was a damn blanket! I was so embarrassed, especially because I was still needy. All I wanted to do was finish and he wouldn't get out of my damn room. Not only that, but before he had carelessly barged in, I'd taken my T-shirt off and was naked under the blanket.

"What were you doing Y/n?" He asked with mock seriousness. I narrowed my eyes a little. 

"Nothing. Can you leave now?" The truth was, I didn't really want him to leave but I didn't know what else to say. I mean, he just caught me touching myself! 

He raised his eyebrows. 

"Oh really?", he quickly snatched my vibrator from under the blanket. I tried to grab it back but he was too quick. 

"Dally!" I yelled. He just grinned at me, enjoying my embarrassment.

"This doesn't look like 'nothing'". He said while twirling it around his fingers. I really doubt my face could have gone any redder. He suddenly tossed the vibrator to me, I glanced down at it, not knowing what he was doing. 

"You didn't cum did you? Finish. I want to see." Whoa what? No, I couldn't. I shook my head, trying to find the words. He chuckled a little, understanding.

"Dal I couldn't." I said quietly. 

"You couldn't? Or won't?" He asked, Dally was too cocky for his own good. 

"That is so embarrassing, no." I said tightening my grip around the blanket, the only thing shielding me from his invasive eyes. 

He wore that smirk on his face like a medal. 

"Then let me do it."

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