Sodapop x reader (caught)

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When the door clicked shut behind you, and you could feel Soda's hand creeping up your thigh, you knew instantly what the rest of the evening would be like. The rest of the gang were gone at the movies, giving you about and hour and a half of an empty house. 

You turned to face him, and instantly felt his lips against yours. His hands grasping your face. You returned the kiss with passion, throwing your arms around his neck. You stayed like that for a few seconds. You could feel Soda's lips laughing against yours,

"Let's take this into the bedroom." He suggested. His strong arms swept you up bridal style and carried you up to the room him and Pony shared.

He playfully tossed you onto the bed, and got on top of you, supporting his weight on his hands. You giggled. 

"They won't be home anytime soon..." Soda said in between kisses he left on your neck.

"We're allll alone..." He continued, pulling them hem of your shirt over your head. 

Suddenly he had unclasped your bra and your nipple was in his mouth,

"Ah Soda!" you cried out. He released you after a second and began tugging his shirt off, along with your shorts right after. You could see his erection through his jeans and knew it wouldn't be long until you both got what you wanted. He left a trail of kisses down your stomach until he finally reached your panties. Soda peeled them off your legs slowly and tortuously, making eye contact with you the whole time.

"Soda please," you whined, needing him.

"I know," he said while kissing your thigh. He sat up for a second and tugged off his jeans and boxers, revealing his erection. Soda lowered himself onto you and began kissing you again, slowly and passionately. He started sucking on your neck, leaving hickeys everywhere. His hands grasped your hips and it just drove you wild. You couldn't help but moan.

"That's right baby," he said, his hand skimmed your belly and started to rub your clit softly. You moaned again and again, Soda loved it when you did. You could feel your orgasm building up, slowly and deliciously. Suddenly his hand was gone. 

"Soda!" you moaned, needing him now more than ever. He tugged off his jeans and boxers, revealing his huge erection. He grabbed a condom from the nightstand and handed it to you, it drove soda crazy when you put the condom on him. Slowly you rolled the condom onto his length, teasing him like he teased you. You could hear him breathing faster, getting frustrated.

You finally finished putting it on him, and in one quick move he turned you over on your knees, doggy style. He put the tip inside of you and pulled out multiple times.

"God Soda just fuck me already!" you said with exasperation. He chuckled and slammed into you, making you moan. His strokes were going faster and faster. He pulled out for a second and flipped you onto your back so he could see you. He leaned forward and kissed you slowly as he pounded into you. You could tell you were about to reach your high, and started moaning.

All of the sudden the door burst open and standing in the hallway was Ponyboy, Darry, Dally, and Steve. Soda collapsed on top of you and pulled the covers up over you both. Ponyboy was looking at the ceiling and Steve and Dally were laughing at us. Darry didn't look like he approved. 

"What the hell guys get out!" Soda said. My face was beet red and I was hiding in the corner of Soda's neck.

"Ya'll are nasty." Said Darry as he shut the door.  Soda turned to look at me with wide eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know why they're back so soon." He said. You smiled and kissed all over his face.

"You're fine, I'm just glad we had a blanket covering us. Wouldn't want to scar Pony." You said with a laugh. He pulled out of you and stood up, getting dressed. 

"Wanna go back to my place later?" You asked while sitting up and pulling the blanket over your breasts. Soda came over and kissed you on lips.

"Of course. Just let me go talk to the gang for a second, I'll be right back." He said and walked out of the room. You stood up and put your clothes back on, still extremely embarrassed about what happened. After a few minutes you walked downstairs to find Soda so you could head back to your place. As you came down the stairs you could hear whistling coming from most of the gang in the living room. Your face flushed. You could see dally laying across the couch with a smirk.

"Well look who it is." He said.

"Aw leave her alone Dal." Said Soda, entering from the kitchen. 

"C'mon let's go." He said while holding out his hand to you. The rest of the gang snickered as you left, knowing you'd be finishing what was started.

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