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"I Got-"


(Love is tough...A person Who had Walls Surround her heart...a Guy that Wants to Open up his feelings But just can't...what will happen if these two Hearts Meet and fall for Each other...? Confessing is The hardest to do ..to open up your feelings....Some May Think 'He will never love me' But may get accepted....or ' He is My friend If I get rejected what will happen to our Friendship?' But Then Realize That He feels the same....Thinking negatively...Pains you...Not hearing what the Other piece of this Relationship and Jumping to your Negative Conclusions....That is what Will ruin your Relationship not The Confession of Feelings....Not listening to what your Heart is Saying.... Is one more thing....Be wise of what you are doing... Be wise of what is happening around you....don't Be Dumb and Follow your conclusions when you haven't Heard what the other Is going to say...That is Preposterous.... Stupid...Immoral...And utterly Very Very Dumb....All I have to say is Don't jump into conclusions without proof )





You Watched as Shock Took over his Face

"I-I don't know!"

You Were shocked is to why he was Shouting

"I have never done this before nor know how to handle this! Why did I ever think Of Doing things with you!?!"

He shouted and he Threw The lamp on the floor and you flinched

He Pulled his hair in frustration growling...You Teared up "S-sorr-"

you got cut off by him "Go get Bin and JinJin Hyung! and tell them to Bring you home!! I don't care about this right now!! Get out!!! I need my space!!" He Said Pointing to the door...He held His Posture by holding on to the Dresser

you stood up slowly and Slowly walking to the door...once you were Almost to the door you looked back at him With tears Welling up ur eyes "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!!!!" he shouted again as He threw a Vase To the wall next to you

you started to cry hard as you ran over to MJ's Room and Knocked "Who Is- Why are you crying Minsoo?" He said as he hugged you and You heard a Door slam shut...

"Sanha?" He Said Softly as He stroked your hair "I-i am pregnant....with h-his B-baby..." You heard him gasp as he Brought u inside his room

his room was Unlike Sanha's it gave a Very Cozy warm feeling and A warm Scent of Cinnamon Can be Smelt...The curtains Wide open to let in Natural Light and Pictures On his Dresser Neatly placed and a Vase of Sunflowers can be seen On His Bedside table next to a Basket of What seemed to be Freshly Picked Lemons


He sat you down on his Bed Which was Fixed up on His Hazelnut colored Pillows With sheets with a  Light shade of Yellowish Orange Sheets to Complement it

"So You are pregnant with his baby?" You nodded as He placed your Head against his chest his Light Heartbeats can be heard it felt like music to you calming you down "and I Suppose He got mad?"

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