$|KTW- C.S.C|$

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Sanha: Come back home
:Also Bring MJ Hyung please let me Explain


(Having a Certain Crush or Looking up to someone who you are ready to Give up your all to is The best Feeling ever.....Seeing him Crazily Sexily Cool Ya know? But sometimes its Sad....Thinking That he Is Always better than you and that he would never notice you whatsoever....Its the worst..but just like what I said Before....Don't think negatively of This situation and try Before its too late....But tho too late isn't Forever...if you were really made for each other Fate will always Bring You to each other....)



$|KTW- Crazy Sexy Cool|$

Me and MJ were on our Way to the mansion.... Then a Black van Stopped in front of us

A Guy With black Hair and Pale White skin wearing a Suit went out

MJ's Gaze Stiffened as they guy got nearer and nearer

"Ahhh Kim MyungJun How's Life Old pal" the guy said as he snickered

"Don't call me Old Pal You sick F*cker....." I heard MJ furiously Snap at him.

I haven't Heard MJ Cuss before.....this must Be serious....

"Is That How You treat an old Best Friend?"

"How the F*ck would I call you Old Friend Shen...or Should I say Lee SongYoon.." MJ Glared at him

"Don't F*cking call me that you Short ass Imbecile" This guy Who I presume is Shen Glared back

I Am sure I have heard The Name Shen before....I just don't know how, when, where, and From who.....Aish! Why Did I even Follow those cussing Crackheads that Might have sold drugs Before....But I don't See any trace of that from MJ tho...

"Let's Cut the crap shall we? what do you want from us you F*cktard" MJ hissed

"We Just want A plate of Justice, a Side of Revenge, and A cup of Murder" Shen said as He signaled his guys and in a matter of Seconds our Mouths were Covered "mahdhajs ahshg hsjshs" I muffled out from the Hankercheif....I saw Shen Laugh as I saw MJ fall to the ground and someone Tied his Hands and Feet together and covered His Eyes

Suddenly.... Darkness washed all over me as I fainted into The darkness

♥|MJ's POV|♥

«Flash back»

«-16 years ago- before Astro or even Sanha Was born-»

♪|5 year old MJ and 4 year old SongYoon|♪

"Yah SongYoon!! Come Over here!!" I yelled as I chased after SongYoon "Bleh bleh! Myungjun the Slow Shortie haha!" He Mocked me as He Kept Running

I finally caught him and we were at the Park "Haha! I win!" I say in triumph "Yah! Jun! Song! Come Over here!" Jin Hyung Said

"Ok Jin Hyung!!" We ran all the way there Over to Jin Hyung "What did You pack SeokJin Hyung?" SongYoon Curiously asked As He Dug into Hyungs basket

"Yah! Stob it!"

«-17 years later- 4 days after The Rivalry Between Sanha and Shen over Aroha started-»

♪|22 year old MJ And 21 year old Shen|♪

"Hyung? Where Do you want to meet?" I said Through the phone

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