JungMin-soo - College Student - Average -No Parents -No Siblings -Grandma's girl -Stubborn Child -Sana's Friend
MinatozakiSana- College student -Rich AF -Mommy's and Daddy's girl -No Siblings -Obedient -Min-soo's Only friend
YoonSanha- Head of Astro -Stubborn little Child -Annoying AF -Screams like a girl -Brave -Youngest - 6'0 Tall ass -00 line -can be dead serious -BABY
ParkMinhyuk(Rocky)- Hacker -Smartass -Backup agent -dead serious -But can be a fluffball -99 line -Go ahead Guy -Brave -PEBBLE
Moonbin(justMoonbin)- Knives -Guns -Go to Field Agent -Sleeps 24/7 -Literally eats Everything -MJ's Test Agent -lazy AF -98 line -MJ's Favorite -Not too brave -PUPPYCAT
LeeDongmin(ChaEunwoo)- Field agent -Handsome AF -Burns Everything -JinJin's Least Favorite -Did I mention Handsome AF? -Getaway Driver -Handsome -Spy -FACE GENIUS
ParkJinwoo(JinJin)-Weapons -Backup agent -Smol -Short -Sanha's Go to Hyung to annoy -96 line?(if I got that right..) -Lazy -Video game addict -Hates Eunwoo -Literally shoots Bullets out of the weapon room And Almost Killed MJ 2000 times -HAMSTER BABY
KimMyungjun(MJ)- Medic -Poison -Backup agent -Smol -short -His Favorite is Moonbin -Almost killed Sanha By a Feces Filled Sandwich(Don't ask) -Cook -Not brave at all -'Oldest' -95 line?(Again correct me if I am wrong) -SMILE MACHINE