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Two months later, Renee was in her car fighting bumper to bumper DC traffic through town to get to work. Renee and Faye worked at the same place of work as office assistants at the largest law firm in DC.

Faye asks Renee, have you heard from Michael lately?"
"No I haven't in a couple of weeks, why do you ask?"
"Well Corey wanted to know" "Okay that's kinda weird"

"So anyways how are you and Malcolm?"
"We are doing good my hot, sexy police officer yass honey!"
"You are wild girl so you ready for work?"
"I guess..we are due for another vacation"
"Sure am!! haha"

Faye gets a text from Corey saying that he will be in DC this weekend for his fitness expo tour.

Faye tells Renee that Corey will be in town this weekend and Michael will be coming with him.

"Oh that's good"
"That's all you can say Renee" "Yep"
"Look me and Michael are friends..but Faye I haven't been truthful with you"

"Oh God what is it Nae?"
Renee took a deep breath
"Well after the club that night, me and Michael had sex.."

Faye's jaw dropped
"Girl are you crazy? you slept with him?!? OH MY GOD!!! I knew it!..that's why Corey said Michael was coming with him he wants to see you again!!"
"I knew you were going to be upset with me it was a mistake Faye!! I had sex with him that night and now it's done it was a one time thing!"

Faye looked at her and shook her head
"I still can't believe you Renee.. Michael may be hooked on you...and that kitty kat of yours.. men can be addicted once they get that good good just like us women..especially after the way he was looking at you ready to have dessert!"

"I know girl.. he confessed his feelings for me,but for the sake of my family, I told him it would not work at the end and we will both get hurt.. some reason I was feeling him too and now I just store it in the back of my mind and move forward it's for the best."

Faye looks at her
"Renee no matter what happens, we are human and we make mistakes, I'm still your girl and I'm glad you told me..hopefully Malcolm won't ever find out what happened between you two."
"I hope not either.. it will be the end of our marriage"

"So what about this weekend? He's coming to see me what should I do?"
"I don't know you can still come with me but I need to watch you like a hawk; I don't want you having your skirt lifted up in a bathroom giving it up to Mike!"
"It was some good dick though I'm not gonna lie he can lay some pipe!"
"Well the truth shall set you free if it makes you feel better"

As Renee and Faye finish their work day out, Renee gets a text from Michael when she is heading to her car in the parking garage

🥊Michael: Hey beautiful! I'm just letting you know that I'll be in DC this weekend for Corey's fitness expo..I was wondering if you wanted to catch up and have lunch with me?
🦄Renee: A little birdie told me you were coming this weekend 😂 I'm not sure if I'm going yet

🥊Michael : It was Faye wasn't it? Yea I'm coming with Corey I want to see you 😉

Renee's heart skipped a beat

🦄Renee:  Yes it was Faye! Aww you miss me buddy?
🥊Michael: I do Nae.. I miss you..buddy 😘
🦄Renee: Maybe I will go I have not decided yet..
🥊Michael: Okay let me know😉

Renee had to get herself together after texting Michael. Was this a risk seeing him again and what will happen when she saw him again?"

She put her feelings aside and made it work, but she still reminisces from that night from two months ago and how he made her feel like a queen sexing her king.

It was sex to making love, feeling every emotion giving his all to her and to shoot him down afterwards was a big blow to him and his feelings were hurt. The way Mike held her it's just felt so right...Memories just kept coming back to her.

Her feelings were still there for him and it seemed not to go away at all for her.

"Am I falling for Michael B Jordan after one night? This can't be! I have a husband that loves me and we are just getting our marriage back together. I shouldn't go this weekend this is wrong!"
Renee thought.

She didn't know what to do at this point, so her conclusion was to follow her heart and see where it leads to.

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