Renee Jones meets not just any man.. but one of the hottest man in Hollywood after going out one night with her best friend in New York..What will happen when she starts falling for him, but her heart is already committed to someone else?
Renee was talking to Faye holding Bakari when Michael comes in the door with Corey behind him. "Hey baby I was waiting for you I need to tell you something important I think you are going to like" "What is it baby?" Faye asks "Do you want us to leave?" "No you don't have to leave..I want you all to hear it too"
Michael sat down and waits for Renee to tell her what is going on "Well you know that after the custody, I wasn't sure if I was able to leave DC because of the kids, so to make it short for you, Mike I can move to LA with you now" "Seriously? "So you moving in with me?" "Mike we already live together it's just official" "I know my home in LA, DC is my home away from home.. you have made my day baby"
Faye looks at her friend smiling "I'm so happy for you Nae.. I'm going to miss you like crazy though.. maybe I'll be out there in LA one day" "Faye now you know you can stay with me at my house if you wanted to see Nae and the baby" "I know Corey but for now we can FaceTime each other right now enjoy her man and new baby I'll be visiting" "I'm going to miss you too Faye my ride or die chick" "Ride or die" "Seriously you can visit me anytime the house is big enough and you can stay in one of the rooms" "I hear you sis"
Renee tells Michael they can leave once she has her postpartum checkup and Bakari's first appointment, so it would be enough time to start packing and moving to LA.
Renee's children can fly to LA when it was her turn to get them for the week to be with their little brother. Renee will miss being in DC missing her family and Faye, but her and Michael are starting a new life as a family and LA is his home so where Mike went she was there.
Two days later, Renee comes home with Bakari and he is a happiest baby with his big smile and dimples just like Michael.
Renee forgot how nighttime is for a baby is challenging when sleeping for the first few months and being tired during the day, but all the tiredness goes away when she looks at her son smiling. Michael helps out as much as he can with the baby when he wasn't working and Renee appreciates everything he does for her and Kari. Renee's children came over to see their brother and fell in love with him.
As Renee was sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery, she just finished breastfeeding Bakari. Michael walks in and Renee looks at him and laughs "I'm gonna get a plastic titty just like on meet the fockers so you boob feed him for me!" "Hell naw you better not get no plastic titty better use your real ones cuz I can't play with them they're all Karis now!" "Sorry Kari, daddy said no fake titties in this house!" Bakari looked at her and grins.
Seven Weeks Later Renee was packing her last box and it was ready to put it in the moving truck. A start of a new life with Michael has begun and she couldn't been more happy. As she was packing up, Michael picked up the last box she had and put it in the moving truck. Bakari was sleeping peacefully in his car seat ready to go to the airport.
Heading out the door, Renee couldn't believe she was leaving but it is a new beginning for her starting over and being at peace with herself.
Five Hours Later As the plane lands at LAX in California, Michael spots the paparazzi again near the exit. "Damn here we go again!.. how do they know when I'm here?" He tells Renee to hold her hand and he was carrying Bakari in his other hand with a blanket covering him so they won't get pictures of him.
As they approach the exit, cameras were flashing left and right, people asking questions like "Michael is that your baby?" or "Michael are you married now?" "Whats your wife's name?" Michael kept walking not saying a word this time to the paparazzi.
Renee kept her cool and kept walking wearing her sunglasses not trying to give them eye-to-eye contact or speak as they exit out the airport. Michael's private SUV was parked waiting for them. They got in and strapped Bakari's car seat in "Baby are you okay.. this was a little worse than last time" "I'm fine baby let's go home" "Me too, I like the sound of that"
As they were heading home, Renee reaches her left hand to hold Michael's hand and he links their hands together and plants a kiss on the back of her hand. "I love you so much Michael,I'm glad I'm here" "I love you too Nae..I'm glad you are here too" He gives her a kiss again on her hand as she leans her head back and relaxes until they arrived to their home.
As they arrived home, Renee places Kari in his crib in his newly decorated nursery
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Michael surprised her when he opened Bakari's door and she was excited about the room. It was all the colors she wanted to have.
Michael leads her to Kimora's room when she visits and showed her room " Mike she will love this"
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Last but not least he shows Renee Shemar's room
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"Well he is going to love you.. he loves black panther" "The picture hanging by the bed, Chadwick signed it and of course I had to put my famous autograph on there too you know" "I hear you King Killmonger!" "Ooh.. say it again baby.. I'm your king now" "Baby you were sexy as hell in that movie you know I had to compose myself when you took your shirt off and Malcolm was looking at me like I was crazy..almost bit my tongue off watching you" "Well you can see your king all the time now come here Queen Killmonger" Michael uses one of his hands and places under Renee's chin. He kissed and pressed her against the wall sucking on her neck then leaving soft kisses on her face "Let's take this to the bedroom King Killmonger" as she licked his lips "Yes my Queen" Renee holds his hand and lets go running down the hallway while Michael chases her to the bedroom and tackles Renee on the bed "Nae I love you so much" "I love you too baby" "Welcome home.."