Renee Jones meets not just any man.. but one of the hottest man in Hollywood after going out one night with her best friend in New York..What will happen when she starts falling for him, but her heart is already committed to someone else?
One week later As Renee was sitting in the waiting room for her doctors appointment, she was nervous. All she could think of is how would she tell Malcolm about the baby if it wasn't his.
Michael stayed a little longer in DC until he found out if he was the father or not. "Ugh it feels like a episode of Maury you are the father!" Renee mumbles to herself.
The nurse calls Renee back to the room. After her blood was taken to confirm her pregnancy and when her last period was, Renee's leg twitched waiting for the results.
The doctor came in and she jumped a little bit, heart racing. "Hello Mrs. Jones, I'm doctor Andrews and I'm going to examine you today."
The doctor tells the results of her test... "Congratulations Mrs. Jones you are 2 months (8 weeks) along based on your last period and by your blood sample confirming your pregnancy"
"You are due March 15th "Um I wanted to know the date when the baby was conceived" "Okay let's we go, based on your last period, the baby was conceived on June 7th "And what day would that be?" That was on a Friday" "Oh no!! It's Mike's baby..SHIT!!"
She asked the doctor about her birth control and what happened "Well it seems after your body rejected the birth control this is pretty rare in women. "So I've been taking them for nothing?" "I wouldn't say taking them for nothing it is 99% effective, but after you have this baby, I would suggest a different method of birth control or permanent birth control by getting your tubes tied"
"Well Mrs. Jones go ahead and lay back while I take a look at your baby"
Dr. Andrews places a cold gel on Renee's stomach and tells her to lower her bottoms down so she won't get gel on her clothes.
As the monitor turns on, she uses the tool to roll all the gel to find the baby. When Renee looks at the monitor, she saw her and Michael's baby
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"So this is your first baby?" "No this is my third unexpected one" "Yes you're not the first patient to tell me it was unexpected pregnancy" Dr. Andrews chuckles a little. "Well the baby's heartbeat sounds good and developing wonderfully"
She prints off the profile picture of the baby and hands it to Renee.
"Again congratulations Mrs.Jones I know your husband will be happy" "Yes he will" "I'll see you in 2 months for your 4 month checkup hopefully we will know the sex of the baby.. and make sure to take your prenatal vitamins every day..see you in two months Mrs. Jones" "Thank You"
Renee has to tell Michael and Malcolm before it gets worse.First find out how to tell Malcolm that she was pregnant and it wasn't his baby without him going off.
She couldn't hide it for too long, her belly will be showing soon. Renee calls Mike and tells him to meet her in the park and texted him the address.
Renee was waiting on the bench for Mike until she saw a nice white Acura NSX parking behind her. She knew it was Mike. He gets out of the car and sits next to her waiting for Renee to say something
"Is everything okay Nae" "No Mike it's not okay! I don't know what to do now!" snapping on him.
"It's ok Nae, So what did the doctor say?" as he was holding her hand. Renee hands him the ultrasound picture from her purse "Congratulations Daddy"
Michael's mouth dropped and felt like he was going to pass out. "What! I can't believe it..I'm going to be a dad!" "Believe it you knocked me up that night and how I'm suppose to tell Malcolm about this!'s not his baby!" "We will figure this out I promise you I'm here for you and our baby"
Michael rubs her growing belly "Daddy is going to take care you little one and your mom"
Renee starts crying and Mike wipes her tears away with his finger.
An alert goes off Renee's phone from TMZ and Michael's also. When they both clicked on the link, it popped up, showing pictures of Michael and Renee at the club that night in New York kissing and dancing all over him.
Renee couldn't get the words out of her mouth to say something or even scream.
Michael looked at Renee and he knew what was going to happen it's going to hit all social media and it will be out there for everyone to see.
Renee yelled OH MY GOD!!!! Malcolm is going to kill me and you its out and it's going viral!!plus he doesn't know that the child I'm carrying is yours!.. Is there anything else going to happen?!"
Michael holds her tight and told her to calm down to prevent stress on the baby. She took deep breaths and finally calmed down.
Faye was blowing her phone up and she finally answered on the fourth call "Nae what the hell!! your face is plastered all over TMZ with Mike!! Malcolm might know now from his boys or worse himself!"
"I know Faye..well there's more..Mike is the father of the baby" Faye screamed in the phone "WHAT!!!!!!! I'll kill him!"
Renee was on speaker when she yelled would've busted her eardrum and Michael heard everything. "Damn I'm a dig a hole and lay in it cuz I'm gonna die by your husband!"
"No Mike I'm not gonna kill ya, just are my Godbabys dad after all you have to live..Congrats by the way.."
Corey took the phone from Faye
"Um I hear congrats are in order and I'm going to be a Goddad bro..I don't know if I'm happy for you or throw you in the hole my damn self!! You know this news is going to get pretty bad plus Nae being pregnant that's a field day for news reporters.. "I know Co we gonna figure it out"
Faye took the phone back "You know Malcolm is a police officer he can find ways to make you disappear knocking up his wife!" "Ugh well let me go dig a hole, bury me in the ocean I don't know something! I'm gonna die SHIT!!!"
"You are not going anywhere Michael Bakari Jordan!! you are standing with me and for this baby I'm carrying you understand?!"
"Ooo she told you Mike..hormones kicking in already I love it!!"
"Faye I'll call you back later when I can okay" Renee hangs up the phone and looks at Michael and gets up walking to her car. "Where are you going Nae?" "I'm going home to face to tell Malcolm everything and you're coming with me" "The hell I'm not I don't want to be shot by your husband which you didn't mention he was a cop!!" "He hasn't called yet maybe he didn't see it yet or he did and is trying to see if I come out and tell the truth.
Michael went to his car and she told him to follow her to the house. As they were going down the highway, Renee couldn't think straight on how was she going to tell Malcolm without him snapping which he knew he had a temper when he got mad.
She knew that their marriage would be over and there was no way it will be repaired since now a baby is in the picture. She tells her herself "Whats done in the dark comes to light..."