Chapter 8

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(I do not own the Walking Dead or Inuyasha but do own my characters)

Rick in the Department store

Third PV

As he was thinking about the girls everyone heard gunfire he or she new except for the new guy who was firing the gun so the raced to the roof saw that Merle was doing something idiotic.

As they gathered by the door they saw Merle was shooting off rounds with the rifle and was wasting little ammo they had and letting the walker know that there are living people inside.

As T-Dog went up to warn him to stop Merle began to fight him off as they fought Merle got the back of the rifle and hit T-dog with it on his head. As he began to speak Rick came behind him and grab his weapon while handcuffing him to the pipes.

" Let me go you bastard,"Merle yelled to Rick.

As he kept on yelling the other had to help T-Dog but also try to think of a plan to get out of the city alive, "How do the walkers know that there are other walkers around I know that they are attracted by sound but what else." Rick questioned the rest.

"They are attracted to the smell we give off," Morales said. "What do you mean," Rick said in a confused voice " Can you not tell they smell dead and we don't," Andrea pointed out.

As Rick was thinking about the information they gave him he had an idea. With that he said " I got an idea but your not going to like it one bit." So he told them his idea it surprised them but also grossed them out they could walk to the truck that Glenn pointed out earlier.

So now they had an idea on how to pass by the walkers so they went down to the department to gather the supplies they need to keep them safe form what was to come.

They separated into groups one gather long coats, gloves, mask and an ax to cut the walkers. While the others went out to the back of the store to gather up walkers so that Rick and Glenn could bypass them to the truck.

When they had the walkers they began to put out all of the guts onto Glean and Rick. They began to exit out Morales told them " You need to walk slower don't attract there attention."

When they were about a few feet a way form the truck their luck ran out they heard thunder and that means that rain will soon follow. Then they began to feel rain drops they had a few feet remaining so they ran toward the doors and closed them just before the walkers could get them.

"You need to the truck and get them inside I will make a distraction and get the attention of the walkers and will I will meet you at the hill with the rest of our group," Glean said while running to a sport car and when he tried to started the car an alarm rand out with that he had the attention of all the walkers.

As Rick made his way to the building just before they he and Glenn left he needs to talk to the others about him needed to be at the city limit to meet up with his group.

As the group were entering Rick said "Hey I need to ask you guy something I with others people but we went separate ways so that they pick up the rest of group their items they are wating for me at the end of the city limit can we stop and grab them on the way they said they had supplies," they told them it was okay.

Few hours before meeting the group

Hikaru PV

"Sooooo I know you like Rick Kagome, "I said as while in the car then I felt the car moved a bit and then I just laughed. "W-wwwhat no I don't," as she blushed out the answer. " Any way even if I did he has a wife I probably won't have a chance with him any way," she continued with a depressing sigh.

"Hey you don't know if they were having trouble after this all started I do know that he does like you back he takes a glance at you when you don't notice" I said to her as we were driving at the end of the forest where we need to walk the rest of the way to the cave. I saw that she was thinking about what I said and it was true he was looking at her when she wasn't looking.

I do think that she has a chance because of what happen earlier. I knew she had a chance because he didn't say anything about his wife just his son.


As we were entering into the cars we began to talk on what to do next.

"So Rick what do you want to go from here Kagome and I have to got back to the cave and grab the rest of the supplies and the rest of our group." I asked near the car that Kagome and I would take.

" Well I wanted to check out if the center has any people left or if my son was there or not", he answered my question. I had a confused look on my face when he said that.

As we drove for hours we had to stop because the cars was out of gas.

" Hey I can see about five cars up ahead think we could get gas out of them," Kagome pointed out the cars. As we were near the first car we heard a noise behind it as we dropped to the floor we began to see little feet walking around and then picking up a toy.

As I went to see who it was I looked from around the car to find child as I was about to talk she turn around I was shocked because the child was in fact dead what got me was half of her face was gone and you were able to see her teeth, gums and the side of her tongue was sticking out.

When she started to growl I went to get out my sword I wanted to bring her peace. With that in mind she charged at me as I channeled my power in my sword I cut her down with that turning her into dust.

When I looked back I saw Kagome ready to attack if things went wrong she had a shock but sad feature worn on her when she saw me kill the child.

As we began to get gas we only had enough for the trip to the city limit but had to walk the rest of the way to the entrance.

(End Flashback)

Kagome PV

(Maybe one of us should of went with Rick to the city I know for a fact that he will get into trouble and yes I will admit that I might have a crush on him) I thought to myself. "Hey Hikaru maybe one of us should went with him to check if he found his family," I said with a worry voice.

"You know we can't do it because Jake, Lily and Flora are waiting for us to come back it is already two days since we left and they might be worried for us," Hikaru answered.

I know she right they will get worried if we don't make it back on the third day they might send out one of our partners to look for us. We were about a mile away from the entrance so we gotten out of the car to walk the rest of the way.

As we were close the entrance of the cave we were excited to tell the kids about what happen and the possible idea that they might have other children to play with in this new group.

When we were about to enter we heard little feet running toward us so we stood there waiting for the incoming children. So we stood there waiting for the attacked to come by the three small kids and partners. We smiled at this because we knew they were having fun in a depressing world. Hikaru was telling the kids on what happen and to say the least they were exited to meet new people especially Rick.

Comment and Review all are welcome.

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