Chapter 1 Redo

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Chapter 1

(I do not own the Walking Dead or Inuyasha) I might change some of the plot of what the series showed and also the characters will act a bit different)

Note: As I have gone over the chapters I have seen that I made some errors on some spelling and will change that I will also change some of the story line a bit if need be. I will see if I can post more chapters because as I said this will be in a semi different story line as the show.

Kagome PV

As I am standing here with all of my friends and my sister Hikaru each of us is holding a piece of the jewel we are waiting to put both pieces together before we make a wish. The final battle with Naraku has finally ended. Much has changed over the past year now my sister and I are now a part of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru family.

It started seven months ago when Sesshomaru came and offered us a deal.


We were camping near the fire as I was cooking the meal that Inuyasha and Hikaru caught. Sango was cleaning her boomerang and Miroku was sitting away from Sango with a red handprint on his face. Hikaru was playing with Shippo near where Inuyasha was sitting UP in a tree.

When Inuyasha's ears moved and he sensed something coming and jumped down from his spot then we all went into our stance and waited to see who or what was coming. When the figure approached we saw it was his brother Sesshomaru that was coming down.

"What are you doing here Sesshomaru?" Inuyasha yelled while he wields Tessaiga. While I looked closely I noticed Rin and Jaken coming.

"Sit boy" I yelled. "What the hell Kagome," Inuyasha grunted out. "Look guys he's not here to fight. He has Rin with him and he usually does not bring her here to put her in danger" I pointed out.

With that they all put their weapons away but stayed on guard." May I ask, ''Why are you here, Lord Sesshomaru" Miroku asked, bowing to him.

"This Sesshomaru came here to offer an alliance with your group and mine to destroy Naraku". Sesshomaru answered. We were all in shock until Inuyasha yelled. "No way in hell my group will team up with an ass hole like you." "Sit boy" I yelled. "We accept your offer, Lord Sesshomaru," Hikaru answered.

(Flash backed end)

After that he led us to his castle to train and in those months of training I had gotten over my love for Inuyasha now I see him as a brother. Hikaru and I were trained with our bows and arrows and swords. I was able to handle one but Hikaru was able to use two.

Hikaru PV

As I stood there with everyone I looked at where my older sister stood who was a year older than I. Then I saw the look on her face as she remembers what we have been through over the past year. We got trained by Sesshomaru and while we were in his home he began to see us as his little sisters. He had opened up a bit more and now he tolerates Inuyasha. With that said he also gave us a bit of a gift: a necklace that represents the house of the moon and west that let other demons know that they are a part of his pack and under his protection.

As I got Kagome's attention we started to piece the jewel together when it was finally whole again a bright light had surrounded us we shielded out eyes from the light .When it was finished we opened them again and saw that everyone was frozen such as time itself stopped. As we looked around Kagome gasped out "Midoriko '' with that said we kneeled.

"Stand my daughters we have much to discuss but first what is your wish." when she said that me and Kagome looked at each other and said "We wish that those who are here have what their heart desires." When she heard this she smiled because she knew that we were to leave and never come back because our duty here was over.

" It is done by those who were with you and have gotten what they wanted and now I present you both a gift with that said I give you these bow with arrows that will never run out, these swords are able to channel your powers and fight. Also when you go back to your time you are able to summon your friends to help you if you were to get into trouble. The final gift is a warning when you get back things will change but not right away you have to be on guard and keep on training "she told us as she just vanished Kagome and I gave a confused look on her final gift.

As we returned we saw what they wanted Inuyasha was with Kikiyo with him Sango had her brother and Miroku was able to control the wind tunnel. Then we looked at Shippo who was happy for some reason. "What did you wish for Shippo'' Kagome asked, "I wished that my parents were with me, especially my mother because I didn't get to meet her."

We smiled at his wish because we knew that he missed his father and mother and wanted to know them better.

When we were ready to go back to home our friends stopped us and gave us good-bye presents. They gave us the same thing but in different colors. Sango and Miroku gave us swords, mine were blue and silver while Kagome were the opposite.

Then Koga and Ayame each gave us demon pups when they were grown; they will be the size of a lion.

Then Sesshomaru and Inuyasha gave us clothing that is the same material as the fire rat and flexible when fighting or training. When saying our goodbyes Kagome and I summon our power to shrink our weapons into chains to our bracelets.

With that we started heading for the well and jumped into it. We saw the light come and surrounded us until it died down then we looked up and saw that we were back in the present. Kagome was the first to exit out of the well with her new partner Kira and then me with my partner Diego.

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