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500 reads? that's insane! thank you so much. it may not be a lot to some people, but to me it is. thank you!


“i'm not. c'mon, lets go.” he replied.

so they all got into the car that was soon filled with awkward silence. jin kept shooting namjoon glares, wondering why he was friends with this kid. he also wondered why he himself even agreed to having him over.

“namjoonie~” the smallest boy suddenly cooed. “yes?” he replied flatly. “you and jin are a cute couple. but i know someone who'd be a lot cuter with you.”

“kook, i love jin more than anyone in the world. so don't even think about it. okay?” he snapped.

for some unknown reason this made jungkook furious. he hadn't thought that those texts they'd exchanged would actually give him courage to let seokjin know his feelings.

he quickly thought of something he could do. something that perhaps would make namjoon realize what he's 'done' to jungkook.

he giggled to himself and continued thinking about the perfect way to go about his idea.

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