Chapter 6 - Jealousy

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Chapter 6 - jealousy

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Chapter 6 - jealousy

This week was very eventful. I had completed half of my bucket list already - take note of my sarcasm. I have kissed my Psychology professor, I've been rejected by my professor, and lied about having a steamy relationship with my professor to my fake as fuck friends. Yay, my life is just great! Please note my shitty sarcasm.

The girls believed every lie that came out of my mouth, and apparently they thought forbidden love was 'adorable' I had mentally scoffed at that. What Alexander and I had wasn't even close to love. We've kissed two times and that's it. We aren't even in a damn relationship, he dissed me when I tried to make a move, but I couldn't tell them that. I was in too deep. I couldn't go back now. I had to commit for the sake of my ego.

The story I told them made me mentally cry my eyes out. Apparently, one day after a boring Psychology lesson Alexander held me back and confessed his undying love for me, and we've been doing some . . . fifty shades of grey shit - If you know what I mean - ever since. Why did I have to add a kink to the story? I honestly don't know, but that perked their interest.

Before you ask I'm just going to let you know that they do not know who Alexander is. I didn't tell them his last name and they have absolutely no Idea which psychology class I take, and just incase they decided to sneak around and spy on me I told them that I don't even attend the class anymore because we thought our "relationship" might be at risk if I did. Thankfully the girls believed the nonsense.

           "Today I'm changing the lesson plan up a little bit. Yes, I know that you guys were supposed to take your test today, but I want to try something a little different. I know I was being a dick yesterday. Please, excuse my language. I forgot that I'm a teacher." Mr. Michaels laughed and soon every one, including me, joined him.

         "So, I'm moving the test back another day to make it up to you guys. Today you will simply review . . . with a partner. I know it's not the most exciting thing ever, but at least I didn't give you all a test today. I'll be picking your partners, just to make things interesting for me."

Everyone laughed again . . . well I didn't. Hasn't his life been interesting enough lately? Kissing your student is interesting, and rejecting your student is pretty interesting. I'm sounding like a sour bitch aren't I? It's just that I don't understand why he wouldn't want me. Everybody wanted me . . . I'm me! Did he think that I wasn't pretty or smart enough, like Jake did? Did he think I was a bad kisser? This is stressing me out!

After awhile Mr. Michaels was calling out pairs, and I was paying him absolutely no mind until I heard my name.

"Let's see . . . Josh your study partner is . . . Mia," Mr. Michaels mumbled. I could barley hear him when he spoke. The look on his face told me that he didn't want to say my name in the first place. That rhymed.

        I looked at Josh and discovered he was already looking at me.

         "You may pair up with your partners now."

         Josh got out of his seat and moved by me with a grin on his face. "Hey Mia. So . . . the test is going to be about the mechanism of mental states and the nerve center. Which one would you like to go over first?"

        I thought for a moment.

       "The mechanism of mental states," I answered. Josh smiled again. He's smiled like a billion times already. I envy people like him. He's all bubbly, smiley, and as much as I hate to admit it . . . cute. Well, cute is a understatement because he's fine as fuck. Josh is also the captain of the football team.

       Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't dated him .  . . Yet.


        I slid my desk closer to his and brushed my hand against his arm causing him to slightly shiver. I smirked, loving the effect I had on him. Out the corner of my eye I saw Alexander look at us with a scowl.

       This is going to be fun.


        "What do you think you're doing," Alexander hissed as he tightly gripped my arm. Well, well look at what we have here. After class had ended I tried to leave and guess who stopped me . . . he did. Honestly, you should not be surprised. Hell I'm not even surprised.

        "What do you mean," I questioned innocently. The truth is I do know exactly what he means. He's talking about that whole 'show' with Josh. I didn't know it would affect him that much. I was just having fun. Josh was not my type. Yeah, I called him cute and all that nonsense, but that's it. He might seem innocent but trust me he's not.

       He has the reputation of being the biggest man whore in the school. However, Alexander shouldn't be worried about Josh and I. He turned me down so . . .

       "Don't act dumb," he scowled, "You were flirting with Josh. Do you think I didn't see that? You are mine do you hear me? Just mine."

         What the fuck? Is he bipolar? He must be a Gemini. Didn't he just previously say that we should forget this whole "situation" happened between us?

        "Last time I recall you said that you wanted to keep your job, and that we should forget that we kissed. You didn't tell me that I was apparently yours, and let me go." I demanded angrily as I shook my arm from his grip.

        He let out a long sigh. "Look, I made a mistake. I really like you Mia, and I handled things the wrong way."

        "Yeah, you did," I shot back, "Now you look, I don't have time for this. You said you didn't want me, and guess what you don't have me. I'm not yours and you aren't mine. Isn't that what you wanted, right?'

        He was not going to toy with my emotions again.

          "Whatever! If you want to play around with Josh then you go ahead! If he breaks your heart, like the player he is, don't even think about coming back to me!" Alexander screamed.

He stormed out of the classroom leaving me bewildered. Was Alexander . . . jealous? And more importantly, why was he leaving? Didn't he still have a class to teach after this one in about ten minutes?


Question: Have you ever been in love?

A/N: I'm not feeling like myself, and I'm sorry if this chapter had a TON of mistakes.

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