Chapter 9 - Oblivious

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Chapter 9 - oblivious

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Chapter 9 - oblivious

          I bit my nail anxiously. I had exactly two hours. Two hours, until Alexander is 'supposed' to be coming to dinner, at least that's what I told my mother and father. I just can't go through with this. How dare Alexander make such a proposal? Yeah, I was no virgin, - I had lost my virginity to the biggest jerk on the planet when I was a senior - but I still want to keep the little dignity and pureness I do have. I've only had sex one time, and I don't think that qualifies me to be a kinky sex slave.

       Before today he didn't even want to kiss me, and now he want's me to sell my dignity to him?

         "Mia, ask Alexander if he fancies Chicken," I heard my mother shout from down stairs, "I don't want the poor boy to be vegan, now do I?"

        I ignored her last statement. She was talking more to herself than to me.

          "Okay," I shouted, my voice coming out strangled. This is nerve wrecking. If Alexander doesn't show up to this dinner my parents will be beyond pissed.

          I was considering my options. I could either basically sell my soul to the devil that is Alexander, or I could deal with my parents nagging me for the rest of the week. Either way both decision's would be deadly.

          I picked up my phone and stared at it cautiously. Alexander wouldn't force himself upon me, would he? What if I lied and told him that I would agree with his term?

         I decided to text him.

        Me: I will be your submissive, Alexander. Please, do not let me embarrass myself any longer. Dinner is in two hours. Wear a suit, and we will talk about this more after it is over.

Sent: 5:03 PM
Read: 5:07 PM

           I bit my lip as I sent the message. A few moments later a buzz sounded throughout my room.

        Alexander: How can I believe you? You've made it obvious that I can't trust you. Do you think I'm that oblivious? You will deceive me, if I show up you wouldn't do anything to benefit me afterwards. I want to believe you when you say that you will indeed be my submissive ;)

Sent: 5:08 PM
Read: 5:08 PM

            I rolled my eyes. How In the hell was I supposed to do that?

Me: How?

Sent: 5:11PM
Read: 5: 20 PM

       After what seemed like forever, he finally texted me back.

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