Chapter 14 - Status

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Chapter 14 - Status

          My mind was flooded with thought's. I don't think last night was real. It couldn't have been real. But, the soreness between my leg's told me otherwise. I fucked my Psychology professor in his car last night, and I had strangely liked it. I have no idea how I'm going to face him now. I haven't spoken to him since our encounter in his backseat, but it's not like I have a problem with our sudden lack of communication. I still need time to think, and I'm sure he did too.

           "You did what," Tina shrieked loudly. Bouncing up and down in her seat. "I knew it would happen, sooner or later. I knew it would happen. Oh my god, Mia."

              I laughed. "Tina quiet it down. You're going to tell the whole world."

              I threw one of my pillows at her. Tina squeaked and dodged it.

             "I'm sorry, I'm just so proud of you! I mean, you had sex with Mr. Handsome. I'm pretty sure all of his students want to do the same thing you've done. I mean look at him. He's basically sex on a stick."

                I glared at her. "They can keep wanting, but I promise you that, they'll never have him."

                  "You're so addicted to him already. He must've really put something on you last night." 

               I rolled my eyes. He did actually, but I'm not going to admit that. Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket. I checked the caller ID, and guess who it was . . .

            Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner! The caller was none other than Alexander fucking Micheal's.

             I suppose it's too late to ask you to be my girlfriend now?

              I frowned. What's he talking about?

            No. What do you mean?

              I really want to see you. Can you meet me at Jade's Coffee, right now? We need to talk, about us.

                I looked at Tina who was already looking at me with curious eyes. Should I go? I really don't want to leave Tina alone, but then again she might not care. And plus if I decline Alexander again she might kill me, or worse . . . he might make another appearance.

              "I'm going to go meet Alexander at Jade's Coffee," I announced. "Are you okay with that."

              She arched her eyebrow. "Did you really just ask me that? Are you kidding? Go, go! Run to you're little fuck buddy, and then tell me all the detail's later."

               I shook my head and chucked at her ridiculousness.



              My eyes were stuck on Alexander, who was sitting across from me, looking at the menu in his hand. He lifted his head up to look at me causing our eyes to meet.

              He arched his eyebrow, and looked at me with curious eyes.

             "What?" He asked.

                "Why did you ask me to meet you here?"

               He placed the menu on the table, and tilted his head to the side. "I wanted to talk about us." 


               "There isn't a us," I scoffed. "You haven't even asked me out, yet. It's just a you and a me, as of right now."

              Alexander's eyes sparkled in amusement. "What if I wanted to change that? What if I wanted you to be my girlfriend? What if I told you that I'd quit my job, and teach somewhere else so we could be together? Would you still feel the same towards me?"

            Quit his job? Is that what he wanted to talk to me about?

           I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

             "Will you still feel the same way towards me if our relationship was no longer a forbidden romance? If all of the excitement of sneaking around with each other was gone? What if we had a normal relationship? Would you still like me?"

           I was taken back by his bluntness. Would I still like him? I'd like to think I would.

               "Of course I would," I answered quickly without any hesitation.

                He sighed and picked his menu back up. "Mia, will you be my girlfriend?"


               Alexander looked up at me with a blank expression.

              "No?" He asked curiously.

                "Yeah, I said no. Look Alexander, you seem like you didn't even want to ask me that question. Is this because of last night? I don't want you to feel obligated to ask me out just because you had sex with me.

              He dropped his menu down on the table. "Don't you dare! I want to ask you out, and I don't feel obligated to do anything. I love you, Mia, but I don't think you feel the same way. That's why I was so hesitant when I asked you that question."

               I froze. He loves me? Do I love him back? I guess I do, in a way. But I've never been in love before. How does the being in love with someone even feel?

               "I love you too," I whispered. My eyes darted around the room, and then landed on the exit. I could just bolt out of here and forget this conversation even happened. I'm going to die from embarrassment.

                   "What did you say?" Alexander asked, looking at me with a blank expression.

                  I cleared my throat, and forced myself to look into his eyes. "I said, I love you too."

                  Before I could get the last word out properly Alexander was already leaping across the table, and before I knew it my lips were captured into a kiss."


Wow! They finally said those three painful word's. This book is going to be finished in exactly ONE more chapter! So get ready! We've come to the end of a very short journey! Lol. Please remember to COMMENT, FAN, VOTE, and more importantly follow me. Because I have absolutely no friends. •_• wow! I feel like I haven't said that in a while. Lol.

See ya!

Ps: I'm going to shout out EVERYBODY who showed the book some support in the next chapter!

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