Chapter 12 - Surprises

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A/N: Wow! Guys, this book is almost at 600 read's! I'm so happy! I'm in my own little world of euphoria. Also, I'm truly sorry about the late updates. I literally have no excuse for that. I'm just lazy. This book Will be ending very soon. In like four or five chapter's, I honestly don't know yet. I've got some big plan's on the ending. There MIGHT not be a sequel because I'm really eager to start on some new material. I'm also going to be editing this story a bunch. So things might be changed around a little bit. That's all I have to say. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

See ya!


Chapter 12 - Surprises

"Oh my god," Tina exclaimed with a disgusted look on her face. "Her dress was like so like ugly. And did you see those hideous shoes? Like who wear's green in the winter?"

I rubbed my temple, trying to cease the headache Tina was inflicting on me with her annoying voice. I'm pretty sure the person she's on the phone with is experiencing my pain as well. I'm seriously debating on whether I should tell her to shut the fuck up or not.

"Seriously," Tina shrieked loudly into the phone. "The outfit was like trash. I would never wear something so dull like that. Like, I was so embarrassed to be around her."

I didn't know a person could use the word "like" so much. She was seriously pissing me the fuck off. I huffed loudly causing Tina to glance at me.

"I know right! I wish I could talk longer, but I have to go. I'm with my best friend. Talk to you later." She spoke into the phone. For the first time in forever I didn't cringe when she called me her friend. The past few day's Tina and I have been getting closer. I've recently learned that she's not as shallow as she seem's. I've been spending more time with her alone, ever since Molly and Sarah's fight. Tina has really showed me a side of her I have never seen before. She's actually a nice person, I guess.

"So . . . let's talk about you and Alexander! What's been going on with you guy's lately? Anything new? Give me all of the juicy detail's." She demanded with a big grin on her face.

Yeah bitches, you guessed right. I did tell her the truth about Mr. Michaels and I. Actually, I told her everything that happened between us. I'm not sure if it was a good idea, but I really needed to vent to someone about the situation.

"Nothing interesting," I smiled remembering the events that took place today. "Although, he did get pissed when I walked in with Josh today."

This made Tina beam brightly.

"He's always so jealous. You have that man wrapped around your finger's, and you don't even know it. I'm surprised he hasn't asked you out yet."

She's right. What is Alexander waiting on? It's obvious that he doesn't care that he's my professor anymore. We're almost the same age, and it's not like we'll be doing something illegal. Yes, the school probably wouldn't approve of our relationship because it's clearly unprofessional, but the law would approve. I'm nineteen and he's twenty four, it's just a five year age difference between us.

"I honestly don't know why we aren't a thing yet," I frowned. Alexander doesn't acknowledge us as a couple, but he clearly doesn't want to be just friends. "We've never had a real discussion about our status. And we've only kissed a few times."

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