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I woke up with Shouta snuggled up next to me. I moved slowly and quietly to get out of bed and try not to wake him. It took time and patience but I managed to get out of bed. I quietly changed into a white t-shirt and jeans.

I went downstairs and got some cereal. Kim came downstairs a few minutes later with a pastel pink shirt and black leggings with her hair in a ponytail. "Morning Zishi." She said. "Morning Kim." She grabbed something from the fridge and sat down.

"So your friend slept in your room last night?" She asked. "Oh.. um, yeah. He fell asleep on my bed so I let him stay there." "Mhmm.." I took a bite of cereal then asked. "What do you mean by "Mhmm.."?" "Well I checked in on you guys before I went to bed and you where cuddled up to each other." I felt my face turn red.

She smiled, "Don't get so flustered! It's fine." "It is?" I asked. "Yeah, it always happens when you share a bed with someone." She said. "Unless you two are somethings?" "Oh.. uh no, we're just friends." "Oh okay then." She finished up her food and got up. "I'm gonna go to Soako's house okay?"

"'Kay!" I said. She grabbed her bag and left. I finished my cereal and went upstairs to wake Shouta. "Babe wake up." I whispered in his ear. He groaned, "Don't call me "babe".." he muttered. I gave him a kiss, "Get up or I'll drag you downstairs." He tiredly day up.

"Go away.." He said. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. I wrapped my arms around his waist, "Let's get food then go out!" He looked a little flustered, "L-Let go of me You Idiot." I pulled him closer, "And if I don't?" I asked. "I'll do this," he said and kicked me in the shin. I let go of him. "I told you to let go." He said and walked out of the room.

A few seconds later I followed him downstairs. "Do you want cereal?" I asked. "I don't really care." He replied. "Okay!" I grabbed a bowel and the milk. I started pouring the milk in the bowel, "You're doing it wrong." Shouta said, "How?" I asked. "You put the cereal in first, then the milk."

He came over to me and asked, "Where's the cereal?" I pointed to a shelf, "On the shelf over there." He grabbed a cereal box and came back over. "Like this." He put his hand over mine and grabbed the cereal. He poured the cereal in then grabbed the milk and put that in. "That's how you make cereal properly." He took the bowel and sat down.

I sat next to him, "So, last night. What was your nightmare about?" "Nothing important. You don't need to know." "If it's nothing then why can't I know?" He took a bite of cereal, "Because, I don't have to tell you everything!" He yelled. "Babe, it's okay. Geez." "Stop calling me that." He muttered.

I put my arm around him, "You don't have to tell me, but I would like to know what the dream was." "I'm just gonna go home.." He said. Shouta tried getting up and leaving but I grabbed his wrist. "Are you crazy?!" I asked. "Your not going, I'm not letting my boyfriend get hurt!"

He pulled his arm away, "I'll be fine." "You won't, your face is bruised!" "You don't know what you're talking about!" He yelled. His fist were clenched and he wouldn't face me. I put my hand on his shoulder, "Shouta.." "What do you want." "Just look at me."

He turned around. He had tears running down his cheeks. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss, I pulled away a few seconds after. "I love you, please tell me what's going on so I can help you." I was scared he was gonna kick me again but his legs just collapsed and he past out.

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