The Netflix War

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With his head snuggled on your shoulders, Thomas lied beside you in your bed. You were on your phone trying to decide what to watch on Netflix and whenever you had your choice, he refuses.

"I'm going with Doctor Who," you said.

"You know I respect you and your fandoms but I had enough of that wibbly wobbly....stuff."

"You really think I don't get the reference you're trying to make?" You said teasingly, a huge smile on your face.

He kissed you on the cheeks and continued to bury his face in your neck. Several minutes passed and Thomas kept acting like a brat. Opposing on your choice of TV shows while having nothing in mind. Real classy.

"How about Supernatural?"

"They're gay!"

"Oh my gods, how dare you?! I'm never forgiving you for that, really."

"Hey. Hey. Kidding. I'm kidding," he wrapped his hands on your waste as you struggle to get away from him. He was laughing so damn hard you couldn't help but laugh yourself. Even though you felt personally insulted.

"Fine, no Supernatural. But they're not gay. Excuse you and Dylan."

"Don't you dare start with that, little missy." You both laughed real hard, but still didn't come up with anything to spend the night with.





"Thomas why don't you choose anything to watch?!"

"Everything in there is boring, to be honest. Can't we just cuddle here and enjoy the rainy evening? I may not be the Doctor or a demon hunter whatsoever, but I am your boyfriend. And I feel offended that you choose to watch Netflix shows over me. Really depressing."

He's done it. Again. You hesitantly put down your phone and faced him. After planting a soft kiss on his lips, you said, "The Doctor is still better, baby."

"You. Are. Impossible." He said jokingly.

Okay, no Netflix then. You were having fun with Thomas that cold evening, arguing about little things and cuddling and kissing and laughing. You didn't regret every second because you know you love him more than anything on Netflix.

[A/N] Guys, sorry I couldn't come up with anything else XD. Suggestions anyone? Hahaha.

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