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When I landed at Dublin airport on January 2nd, 1980, I was exhausted. Finding Brian May in an ocean of people was the easiest thing I had to do since leaving my house. It's not hard to pick out Brian in a crowd. Listen for clogs, look for a mass of curly hair and you'll soon find him. As soon as I spotted him, I ran as fast as I could, my suitcase in tow. I may have been 18 on the outside, but I was still that little girl who missed her dad on the inside. There are many benefits to having Brian May as your legal guardian:

1. He will play guitar in the house quite loudly and have jam sessions with you, even if you have no musical talent.

2. He is a super-nerd so he will do nerdy things with you like watch meteor showers from your roof at midnight in pyjamas.

3. He can fix basically anything.

4. He like clogs and will spend hours with you trying to co-ordinate decent clothing with his personal clog collection.

5. If you need help on any homework, go straight to him.

6. When you move out, he will call almost every night for the first month to make sure you're okay.

7. There will be mornings when you wake up and open your curtains to find him doing your gardening at 8 am.

Anyway, dad caught sight of me too and was quick to pull me in for a hug.

"Lucy! I've missed you, my girl!"

"I've missed you more. Trust me." I replied, letting go of him. Walking out of that airport, we were matching. Two unbelievable messes of thick black curly hair down past our shoulders and blue jeans. When I was younger, any time a camera was near that didn't belong to immediate family, his natural reaction was to turn me to face him. When I was younger, it scared the living spaghetti out of me to see all those flashing lights right in my face. Coming out of that airport, there were only two photographers. As soon as we got to the door, he started to turn me around but I stood straight forward.

"I've got this." I told him, smiling. I think it shocked him to see how much I'd grown up compared to when he'd seen me last year. I kissed his cheek, finally making use of high heels that almost made me as tall as him. Arm around my shoulders, he lead me out the automatic doors and into the outside. Smile and enjoy it, I told myself silently, leaning on my dad while walking past them. These photographers let us walk through and didn't stop us, much to my relief. I just needed sleep like nothing I'd ever experienced before. Being a nurse, I was used to pulling all-nighters to work but it never wore me out like travelling did. It was 100% worth it. The Mays were reunited again and I felt on top of the world.

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