Chapter 2

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Zoeys pov:

We slowed down as we pulled up to the cafe where we were meeting everyone else. Some how like always we beat them there even though we were 10 minutes late cause of a car accident. Typical for our area some one not from around our down spreading down the wrong road and spun out. It's almost constantly raining here in the fall. As we finally got a seat the server came up.

"Can I get yall anything to eat or drink today?" he asked politely winking at me.

"I'll get the country breakfast and orange juice" Son stated.

"I'll have the same" I said as Orabelle walked up.

"Make that three" she chimed in giving me a hug and sitting down to my left.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked Orabelle. Who is sorta like my cousin.

"No idea, I got stopped by the traffic but they are coming from the other direction" she came back with checking her phone.

"They are just gonna go ahead and meet us as the carnival apparently there was two accidents Son said putting his phone in his pocket.

"Well damn people are idiots" I stated laughing

"So zoey are you okay with tomorrow...?" Orabelle asked me quietly. She was shy when it came to certain stuff.

"Yeah, I can't believe that human bitch is keeping me locked in the house for my 18th birthday" I was pissed about this. The one day i really hadn't wanted to be around the she devil.

"You gonna sneak out?" he asked from across the table.

"Most likely and skip school again tomorrow?" I didn't want to be at school with what my father put in that note when he said don't tell any one unless I fully trust them. "Anyone up to join?"

"Hell Ya!" they both said at the same time.

"You guys sounded so stupid!" You said it at the same time with a country accent. (No offense to country accents. I have one)

"Shush Zo and its your birthday tomorrow of course I was already planning on skipping." Orabelle exclaimed.

"Oh look goodie two shoes is growing a set of balls" he said laughing as she smacked him over the head "hey no need for violence orabelle, save that for the room" he said winking, which made both of us girls to smack him.

"Perv" Orabelle muttered. "so what are we doing tomorrow?" she asked turning towards me.

"That is a surprise I have planned out!" Son all but yelled.

"Calm down son, and I don't trust your surprises" I looked at him like he was insane.

"Oh you'll love it" he said with a cheeky smile.

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